
13 May 2010


Hello, friends:}

**Scroll down to see my Ippity Release Hip Hop post!! 

Today we start another awesome color story with the Play Date Cafe! WOW! I am super excited about this color combo--and our Celebrity Guest Designer this week is Heidi Van Laar! Oh my goodness--we have CRAFTINESS in the house! Heidi is fabulous! 

This week, Sarah created our color story of light green, dark green, and blue. I instantly thought of...BOY! I know--I've got babies on the brain! I used my Nina Brackett Vintage Background dots on the left side of the card. I also used my Unity Oct. 09 KOTM for the airplane and banner. The sentiment came from Lizzie Anne Designs May KOTM. **NOTE:: This month is a first for 1) CASED cards [I made 2!!!] and 2) mixing stamp sets and companies! LOOOOVE how this card turned out! I love that little burlap string that holds the banner on {available at Limelight}. Great color combo this week! 
Be sure to stop by all the other Play Date Cafe DT members' blogs--wow! I saw a sneak peek of their creations...AMAZING! Super pretty! And all are different:}

Heidi Van Laar {Celebrity Guest Designer}

Lisa Somerville [Challenge Host this week]
Savannah O'Gwynn {that's me!}

Thanks so much for stopping by! Love when I get to share with you my new PDCC creations--LOVE the PDCC! Can't wait to see what you will create this week--be blessed!
Until next time~
Love, Sav


  1. This is fabulous, love that plane!

  2. Fun and Fabulous, Miss Sav!
    Great use of the colors in The Cafe : )

  3. you've definitely got babies on the brain! but that's ok, it makes for great baby cards! such a simple but stylish design, fab use of cafe colours :)

  4. Adorable card! Just too cute! Hopefully you have lots of friends with new babies on the way. :) Sweet design!

  5. This is just one adorable baby card. I just love the colors and the stamps you used on this inspiring card.

  6. Such a fun and darling baby card, Sav! Love the bit of string and banner.. just too cute and clever!!

  7. I'm giving my neice a baby shower is a couple of months....gonna have to pull that stamp out. TFS

  8. adorable card! Someone will love this!

  9. Such a cute baby card, great way to use this weeks colors!

  10. What an adorable baby card Savannah! Love the lil' airplane :)

  11. Sav, this is such a darling card...and fabulous're a pro! *smile*

  12. LOVE it! Funny how we ended up doing the same kind of thing! By the way you were asking about the colouring on that stamp spelling out 'boy'. It's so easy... all you do is colour in the letters you want with pens (they have to be water based - I used Tombo markers), blow on the stamp to make sure they are wet before stamping, and stamp! Simples! x

  13. I love the plane is so cute!!! finaly I made it this week!!!


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