
10 May 2010

H{ippity} Hop

Hello, friends:}

Today is H{ippity} Hop Monday with Ippity! I can't wait until Thursday this week--that is when we finally get to reveal the new stamp sets! And Ippity is allowing Ippity Chicks to participate in the Hip Hop!! HOOOORAY! So be sure to stop back by for more Ippity goodness on Thursday
I created this card for a friend's son. He is in the Air Force. I wanted a masculine card--and I think the background DP works well for that. Unity (Angela) sent me 10 FREEDOM stamps to giveaway and use for families/friends of the Military. I have started to send the stamps out to those that I know help make cards for soldiers. **NOTE:: If you would like one, I have a couple more to give out! Please email me! I thought that stamp was perfect for this card! I also thought the verse from Ippity's What Matters Most fit, along with the ichthus symbol from another stamp in that set. I love this card. The stitching is a bit blah....but I wanted just a straight stitch... and "freedom" at the bottom is 3D--I kind of cut certain pieces out and raised them with foam dots...I LOVE this card! 
This next card is one of my FAVS!! I call Trav's grandpa [Poppie] CB for chicken butt {long story!}. Awhile back he told me to make mother's day cards that said, "CB loves Mom". I told him no one would buy it because no one knows what CB stands for! So while he was visiting this weekend, I made him this card! I used Ippity's Sweet Thoughts of Spring chick stamp. I also used some digital paper from Mel Stampz. I love love love this card....super fun:} And it's a mini--3 x 4.5 inches! Love it! 

**Both cards today were also created for Wee Memories challenge--stitching! I know my stitching was just plain straight stitch, but it counts;}

I wish I had more for you today--I had three card sketches ready and one almost done...but sometimes, I just run out of time and steam! I will have more for you tonight...I used some Nina Brackett stamps! And as promised, I have a cute bridal gift to share later this week. **NOTE:: I couldn't share it today because I wasn't sure the bride had opened it! I know she has now--and she is sending pics!

Be sure to stop by Ippity's blog for a complete list of blogs to check out--so much Ippity goodness going on today!!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Love when we get to visit!! Be blessed:}
Until next time~
Love, Sav

ps....unfortunately my two winners from last week have not emailed me...if they do not email by tonight...I will draw two more winners! I don't like to do that...but it is only fair:} So be on the look out! You could win! Plus--leave some love on any comments from May 1-May 31 for a chance to win a NEW Ippity stamp set! I will be able to post a pic of the stamp set on Thursday! HOOORAY:)


  1. Fabulous, LOVE that first one!

  2. Your cards are wonderful, love the freedom one especially!! Have a great MONDAY!!

  3. love the freedom card and chicken butt's card is cute, too:)-great cards, savannah!

  4. Love these cards--the color choice for the first card is really interesting. I like it.

  5. Love your cards they are great.

  6. Such creative and wonderful cards! :)

  7. I love your Freedom card, that paper is perfect! and the CB story is so cute :) Love the card with the chickie!

  8. These are beautiful! I'm loving that FREEDOM card.

  9. Beautiful cards today. The freedom card gives me chill bumps for the reason you are sending it out! Besides, it is beautiful, but in a masculine way.

  10. That freedom card is super cool, and your CB card is cute, LOVE the layout!

  11. Love your freedom card! Awesome! I used that verse on a project last week, too!

  12. just wonderful Sav.. love all that you do.

  13. It is always so inspirational to come and see what you have created for us! LOVE these creations for today! Hugs!

  14. Love the freedom card! So wonderful and perfect for the recipient. Your CB joke is too funny and the little chick adorable!

  15. I love both of these cards.I love the bird,it is so cute.Well done.

  16. Love how you popped up the letters partially, great effect! And your little chick card is sooo cute!

  17. oh my goodness that little chicken is stinkin cute! Super darling card :)

  18. Sooooo cute Sav!! LOVE IT! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Thanks for playing again!!! I posted a new challenge today... hope you get to come play again!! :) :) :) :) :) Have a great day!


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