
10 May 2010

Illustrator Blog Hop

Hello, friends:}

Tonight is the Illustrator Blog Hop and the theme is Movie Mania. We were to pick a movie that we like and make a card that was inspired by that movie. Here are a couple of things about me....1) I don't really watch movies 2) I only have two fav movies:: Throw Mama From the Train and Stigmata 3) I haven't seen a movie in a looooooooooong time! So knowing that...I went with Throw Mama From the Train! This is a classic--a crazy guy wants to kill his mom, so he invites his writing teacher in on the deal since the teacher mentions that he would like to kill his ex-wife.....this mother is hilarious by the way! "OWEN!!!!!!!!!!" That is what she yells the whole time! Anyway...this movie is kind of mean since they want to kill the I turned this inspiration around and I made two cards that were for Mother's day-and there is a scene in the movie where she is drinking from a tea cup [which inspired me to make these cards!]. I used my Nina Brackett Lovely Shelf and Vintage Background stamp sets. I looooove that text stamp! 
Not sure if you can see it--but the flower was made using the houndstooth stamp from Nina's Vintage Background set. Super fun stamp! 

I really like this second the color combo and the paper piecing! Love Nina's stamps!
Not sure if you can see it--but the text was stamped with black ink...however, a couple of lines I stamped with red ink. I love that effect! 

To check out all the deets and other blogs to check out for this hop, go to Gina K's blog

Thanks so much for stopping by! Love when I get to share some Nina Brackett  inspired cards with you:} LOOOOOOVE visiting with you! Be blessed!
Until next time~
Love, Sav


  1. Lovely cards Savannah! I am in love with the Lovely Shelf set. :)

  2. Beautiful work, Savannah. I love your color combo.

  3. I really like the tea pot card. I like the layers in it and the simplicity of the string.

  4. Great cards! I love the way you used kraft and the Vintage Border stamps. I never saw that movie, but it does sound like a funny one.

  5. These are awesome. Love what you have done with both of these sets.

  6. Beautiful cards! LOVE that satin ribbon bow on the second card! :)

  7. beautiful cards Savannah! love them!! :)

  8. i've never seen this movie but love your cards, savannah! love your twist on duo colored text background:)--just bought a paper with multi colored text!

  9. Savannah, these cards are just fabulous and love what you did with Vintage Backgrounds and Lovely Shelf! Great movie inspiration designs :o)

  10. Fingers crossed for you, Sav...this would be so fun for you to win : )

    Great cards and I love the idea of the duo color text !

  11. Very pretty cards.......the colors just pop with the Kraft bg!

  12. These are adorable! Love the clean designs. So sweet.

  13. Your cards are so cute. Gosh I just want to go home and scrap. (I'm at work, but don't tell)

  14. Funny! Both cards are great, but the second one just sings!

  15. do you create such beauty all the time? And your photo's are ALWAYS you use a light box?


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