
02 May 2010


Hello, friends:}

Today I don't have any of my own craftiness to share with you--but I do have two new friends that I think you should go visit. They are wonderful ladies--and we actually met awhile back, but I never featured them. Plus, they both are on the Simply Scrapping Crafts team!! Congrats ladies!!

First up is Rona! She is super sweet--love when she leaves comments on my blog:} And look at this crafty goodness! Love visiting her site on Unity Fridays! She always amazes me!! 
And look at this scrapbooking page--I love the whole thing! All the stamps and all the purple--super cute! 
Next up is Angie. Wonderful gal! Love visiting her site as well! She always has good eye candy:) Look at this scrapbooking page--ack! TOO cute with the stitched clouds! Love it!
And this page is super cute with all those gems! 
I do have another friend for you to meet--this is Lina:} She is my furry friend! I love her owner, Concetta! We go "way back"--we met at a church bible study! This is a pic of Lina wearing her Christmas scarf that I gave to her in like February! Gotta love being late!!
I hope that you are all doing well! I will have WINNER announcement tomorrow as well as more Ippity goodness! I am working on a special calendar that I make come back tomorrow to read more about it!

Be sure to stop by Angie and Rona's blogs...LOVE ya ladies! Thanks so much for stopping by today:) Be blessed!
Until next time~
Love, Sav


  1. With all the rain we are getting in TN this is some fabulous cards. I can't wait to see the calendar! I just love your creative MOJO!

  2. Thank you for sharing your new friends with us, Sav....I am on my way to say hello : )

  3. Awwwwww - you are toooo sweet Savannah!! Thanks for the kind words and the inspiration you always have for us here!

  4. What lovely card and layout! Love the scarf on the pup too!

  5. I agree. You are so sweet Sav!! I am one of your biggest fans and just love all your creations and energy!! Thanks so much for the feature! With Rona I am in good company . You are very kind!! See you on the unity boards.. And hoping you will join us at SSC.

  6. Love them both. Actually Rona only lives about 30 minutes from. She is one of the nicest people you will ever meet. I'm seeing Angie on the SSC site. Such fun girls.


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