
14 August 2010

EIC #101 {Lover Dover's Handmade Goodness}

Hello, friends:}

WOW!! I cannot believe how many EtsyInspired players we had last week-- 105 players!! THANK YOU so much! I loved all your creations!! **NOTE:: I have to say that I think it is super awesome that my friend, Traci, was #100 on the 100th challenge!! That is so cool to make it over 100!!! LOVE IT:}

Well, this week--we have ANOTHER FAB Etsy store::: Lover Dover's Handmade Goodness! And they carry some amazing GOODNESS! She makes aprons and children's dresses! ACK--so cute!! And our sponsor this week is Sassy Studio Designs! This week's winners will receive either::: a free apron from Lover Dover's or 4 free digital stamps from Sassy Studio Designs

For my first card, I was inspired by this little girl's dress! Look at those stripes with polka dots! And that pink just pops!! So I used my Sassy Studio Designs digital stamp {Reading Rachel} to make a fun card. I paper pieced Rachel and used glossy accents on her PJs (I think that is what she is wearing). The stamped image is from Unity's Life Becoming stamp set. LOVE this card!! Oh--look closely--her hair has gold highlights! LOL!

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this next card! I was inspired by this purple and orange apron! I looooooooooove it! I used the CPS sketch for this week, as well as the theme for the Ippity Challenge {summer}. I looooooooove this card--I used Ippity's A Bit of Burlap, Fall For You {bird}, and A Moment In Time {circle} stamps. I made the banners just by cutting them and gluing them on the string/hemp. I absolutely love how this card turned out! Possibly one of my FAVS!!
That's all for me today--but be sure to stop by all the other talented EIC DT's blogs!! They are going to knock your socks off!

Julie Ranae {August Guest DT}

Don't forget--this challenge ends on Friday, August 20th at noon Pacific Time. I cannot wait to see what you make--and I cannot wait to go shopping at Lover Dover's! Those aprons just make me want to cook or bake:}

Thanks so much for stopping by!! I love being inspired with EIC challenges!! And I love sharing them with you! Be blessed:}
ps...if you want to know who won my EIC #100 challenge giveaway---scroll down!! Congrats to....???


  1. what great cards Savannah! i love that you always draw inspiration from more than one piece in the store, it is really hard to choose just one!

  2. OMG girl! These are amazing! Your paper piecing rocks and that second card is just TOOOOO cute!

  3. You and I chose the same inspiration piece! How bout that! Great work as always, my friend!

  4. I AM ADDICTED TO YOUR BLOG!!!! I have to admit that yours is the first I look at, and I'm like dang, she did it again! These cards are AMAZING!! Your use of the digi in colors and patterns reflective of the inspiration piece is amazing and I adore your birthday wishes card....the label, the flag pennants and the owl are SO SO SO perfect! Yumminess!!!

  5. Duh, not owl......birdie!! HAHAHA. I'm typing this as movie date night with my hubby turned from chick flick to Harry Potter....hahaha

  6. Awww, Sav! I love both your cards! You're so good to make two! I love the first one, the colors and super sweet and I like the pink ribbon. The second one is fantastic! I love the banner and the birdie! Very cute! You are adorable and I heart you!

  7. LOve that polka dot card it captures the essence of the inspiration piece beautifully. The owl card is a hoot! Very fun!

  8. WOW Savannah! Your cards are just fabulous and love your inspirational pieces. Love the layouts, colors, and your creative MOJO! I look forward to seeing what you come up with each day. Thanks for sharing your talent.

  9. Hi Savannah! Both cards are wonderful but I absolutely love the 2nd card!! So many details and all the colors are great. Love the layout too.

  10. Adorable cards! Love both of them!

  11. Savannah, I love that second card, especially that cute bird =)


  12. CA-UUUUUTE, SAV! You know I always love your fab cards! :)

  13. Love those fabulous polka dot pajamas ... great inspired design.

  14. Gorgeous Sav, I really love your banner/bird card, it's SO cute, the colours are fab!!!

  15. Your card made me smile. I need to take inspiration from your card and take days to sit back, relax, and read a good book :)


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