
16 August 2010

H{ippity} Hop August 16

Hello, friends! Happy H{ippity} Hop!! 

I have been wanting to play with my Ippity stamps for quite some time...and I made two fun cards for the Dog Days of Summer challenge over on the Ippity forum. I unfortunately didn't get one finished in time for  the deadline--ONE HOUR LATE! AHHH! The prize::: Guest DT for Thursday's Hip Hop with Unity/Ippity! GET OUT!! I would die if they asked me!!

Anyway--my first card was created using Ippity's Simply Home stamp set. One of the first sets by Ippity--love love love it! I love that house [which I learned how to highlight from my friend, Heather Rolin]!! I also love that cow!! So FUN!! The challenge was to create something that reminds you of summer. This card was based on our summer activities when I was growing up:: 4H fair!! I loved the fair! **NOTE:: I will admit now that my brother Carrel did all the work on raising the cows and chickens...but I had fun showing them off! Thanks, Carrel:}

This next card was featured on Saturday--but I had to share it again--I just LOOOOOOOOVE it! I loaded it on the SCS forum--thanks for all the "thuds"!! I've never had any of those in my emails--it was fun to read!! I just love that bird from Ippity's Fall For You set! I also used my Bits of Burlap and A Moment in Time sets! I love love love that banner--so fun! It reminds me of summer because we have TONS of birthdays during the summer months! 

That's it for me today--but you can head on over to the Ippity blog for a complete list of chicks that played along! FAB creations--I am blown away by all the creativity!! I love Ippity!

Thanks so much for stopping by! I'll be back later this week...I've got some cards that I can't wait to share with you!! LOVE it!! Be blessed:}


  1. These are both great Savannah! Our County Fair is going on right now. We haven't been yet but I hope to go soon... I love the fair! My husband hates it! :)

  2. lol that cow card is adorable, love those fun cards!


  3. I adore your 'Thank Moo' card, it is such fun. The paper background is pretty and I just love cows!!

    Thank you for the lovely comments you made on my blog, they are so much appreciated!!

    Sue A xx

  4. AMAZING cards lady!!! I LOVE them :)

  5. Lovely cards, the pendant banner looks cute with your BD card.

  6. love it! you cards always amaze me!

  7. These are adorable, Savannah! I LOVE the birdie one!

  8. both cards are darling, savannah, and if they ask you to guest dt---don't die:) you are so fun, love reading your posts!

  9. So that card is why you where up all night?! hmmmm........

  10. Oh, such cute cards! I'm glad you re-posted the one with the cute little banner cause I missed it the first time around! So adorable!

  11. Love them both! Especially the Moo card. ;)

  12. The moo card is precious, especially since you used some of my favorite OA paper!

  13. So cute I just lost my eyeballs!! Where did they go?!

  14. Both cards are SO sweet, Sav! That cow and owl with banners are adorable! Hope you are having FUN!!Thanks for stopping by to say hi....since I was away :) Glad to be back to your blog!!

  15. Well I believe it is a double "THUD" moment!! Amazing cards Sav!!

  16. Hi Savannah~

    What a super cute card that first one is! I really love it! The house is so great...and that cow is super fun! Thanks for sharing!

    He IS Able,
    Traci S.

  17. Both are super cute! Love the house and that cutie cow! Love the banner on the second one!

  18. Sooo cute!! Moo-tiful!! :D Love it!! :D

  19. Adorable moo card! Love the cow in front of the house. The multiple row of banners is too cute on your second crd!


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