
23 August 2010

H{ippity} Hop August 23

Hello, friends:} Happy H{ippity} Hop day!!!

I've created some cards for the IHHC37 {use string} challenge! I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE these cards! SO FUN! 

This first one was created using the Treehouse Thursday Sketch challenge. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE this card! I love the DPs {Webster's Pages--available at Limelight}!! I actually flipped the sketch--thought my card/sentiment looked better this way! I used Ippity's Totally Happy [bottom sentiment], Just Wanted To Say [sentiment], and Books A Flutter [butterfly]. I love this butterfly--I love cutting it out of transparency! Super cute!! **NOTE:: if you remember THIS post about Jessica's bday card...This it is! I love it! I know she will love it too!
And this next card was created for my brother's anniversary! He owns his own construction company {if you live in Indiana and need something fixed--Hoover Construction!!} I wanted to use this sentiment with the Ippity house stamps. I love this paper! I stamped the word HOME [from Ippity's What Matter's Most and House A Home sets] several times on that yellow paper. Thought it would make it pop! I also used Unity's July KOTM for the house. The sentiment reads:: Happy Anniversary to a couple who's marriage and home was BUILT to last. **NOTE:: The funny part of this card--on the inside I wrote, "It will last because Hoover Construction built it!" HA! I know my brother, Carrel, really likes cards with this was perfect for him! 
That's it for me today--but you can check out all the wonderful creations and the list of blogs HERE! These ladies are so talented! They create the BEST projects/cards! LOVE it!

Hope you all are doing well! Thanks so much for stopping by! Love sharing my Unity/Ippity creations with you!! Be blessed:}


  1. both cards are great but the one with the house is my favourite! totally love it!


  2. Cute, I'm am constantly amazed by how much thought you put into your cards... Great job.

  3. i second erin! gorgeous, gorgeous cards-LOVE the design a colors of the first one, esp:)

  4. Love your cards. Great take on that sketch. Love all the circles and that butterfly. Your other cards is just perfect for this couple. Love the saying and that little house.

  5. Don't ask me how I found your blog, but so glad I did! Your cards are adorable!!!! xOxO

  6. THese are truly wonderful cards, love the details!!

  7. What great all the details!

  8. Oh Savannah~

    These cards are wonderful. I especially love the Anniversary card! "Happy Anniversary--Savannah's Brother and Sister-in-Law!" I love how you really went wild with the theme of home and marriage going together. This Scripture comes to mind: "But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."

    You made a great card!Thanks for sharing!

    He IS Able,
    Traci S.
    Please stop by the He IS Able blog. Leave a comment about the amazing Testimony shared, or anything by 8pm Tuesday, and you may be one of our winners on Wednesday morning! ;)

  9. I absolutely LOVE your take on the Treehouse sketch! So inspiring, Sav!

  10. Gorgeous cards... love all the details!

  11. The details you put into your cards are always so amazing.

  12. Both are just so sweet! I love the circles and sweet butterfly on the first card. :)

  13. I always love to see what amazing cards and creations you will come up with! Well today was NO disappointment!! I love your style and your unique approach to creating!! Thanks for the inspiration!! Hugs!!

  14. Fab cards, Sav! I just love the sewn circles on the first one! :)

  15. These are beautiful, I love all the dimensions.

  16. Such fab cards love them both :0)
    Kate x

  17. These are so great!!! Love all the details on both of them- and the punniness of the one for your brother is so fun! :D


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