
03 December 2010

FWF {Dec. 3}

Hello, friends:}

It's a quick post for me today--I still haven't had time to create much in the studio this week:{ I did manage to get a card created for the FWF53 challenge. Our inspiration was Carolina's card [to the right]. I used her idea of non-traditional colors for my holiday card. I really like those small doilies! Super fun! I used Unity's Happy Everything set (present) and Unity's Nov. 2010 KOTM for the sentiment. The snowflakes are from Ippity's Seasons of Joy set. I love how this turned out!
That's it for me today--I know! SHORT!! Be sure to head over to the Unity blog for a complete list of blogs to hop! Lots of eye candy:}

And don't forget to stop by HERE for my giveaway--I've got some Unity and Ippity stamps to giveaway. I think there are 10 chances to win!!

Thanks so much for stopping by! I'll be back with more tomorrow! Be blessed;}

ps...I hope you will play along with the All Things Unity tag challenge! Click HERE for deets:}

ps2...Another fab challenge is The Play Date Cafe! Click HERE.

ps3...Another EIC challenge starts tomorrow! Be sure to come back to see where our inspiration comes from this week!


  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fun colors, the doily the patterned paper and the little gift wrapped box!! THIS IS PERFECT!!! In love in love in love!!!

    BTW, what is FWF....I see it everywhere, and I have no idea what it means.....hahaha....I am sooo lame

  2. Hi Savannah, thats an awesome card! it is so colourful and cute.


  3. Beautiful card. Love the bright and cheery colors. Great details and just love seeing your creative style.

  4. what cuteness!! savannah, this is so bright and cheerful-i just love it!!

  5. Such a 'merry' card and I love the 'pop' of color, the doily, the present, everything, Savannah!

  6. oh I love it, gotta try these colors ;)

  7. This is beautiful, Savannah! I love the little gift and the doily.

  8. I LOVE this card!! The doily is so sweet and the little present is awesome!

  9. So cute! Great take on the inspiration piece!

  10. Oh so pretty ... love your mix of DPs and fabby LO too!

  11. No way I love you frist. and pretty ribbon and sprakles, stuff and layout! awsome card! very very pretty!

  12. LOVE this--the doily, the colors, everything!

  13. Love the bright colors on this. Wonderful card!

  14. Love this! So fun and festive! The stitching is awesome and the doiley is such a cool accent! :)

  15. Love, love, love how your card came out - simply stunning Savannah!!!


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