
09 March 2011

Rejection...and a pick-me-up

Hello, friends:}

This is a super hard post for me to write...I have debated whether or not to share...but it's me being honest. So I thought I would join in the Rejection Train that was started over on Amber's blog for the last publication call for Paper Crafts Magazine. I loooooooove sketches...and I went all out for this call! I spent lots of hours coming up with different ideas or what papers I wanted to use...and I was so excited about my creations. All of them! I do have two favorites....but nothing was picked up. I have to say--it was super hard! I was so so so sad. 

So after talking with many of my friends {Julie Campbell, Char Austin, and so many more!!}....I decided to join in the fun. Why not? What's it going to hurt?

I'm sharing only one of my rejected cards today. I just loooooooved sketch #80. I knew instantly that I wanted to make it into a carrot. I have wanted to use this saying for quite some time now...and this was the perfect time. I just love how I used my Ippity lined stamp {Authentic Man} to make the carrot lines! ACK! So cute:) I love that bunny {Ippity: Sweet Thoughts of Spring} and I love love love the pull-out. I also stamped the heart from Unity's The Best Is Yet To Be. LOOOOOVE this card! I am entering this is Unity's monthly challenge [hearts] and the Paper Piecing Challenge in the Moxie Fab WorldLove love love playing along with Moxie Fab! Love creating in general:}
And on a happier need to stop by Moxie Fab this week! I was featured as their Moxie Fabber on Monday! I about died! What a fabulous pick-me-up! I appreciate all the comments left over there--I've enjoyed reading each one! I'm so blessed to have so many fabulous friends! THANKS:} And THANKS to Cath!! I've been on cloud 9 all week!!! 

That's it for me today--thanks for stopping by! Maybe I needed to share this rejection so I could move on and craft again, and possibly submit this time around. Your visit was much needed in my healing:} THANK YOU!

Be blessed!!


  1. Oh, Sav! Do be down. I submitted several too, that didn't get picked up this time. You win some, you lose some!
    I LOVE that you took this sketch and made a carrot shaped card! BRILLIANT! I looked at this sketch and was stumped and moved on! LOL!
    You are such a creative soul, so don't ever let one rejection bring you down! You rock, girlie! :)

    Great big hugs!

  2. You are SO fabulous omg I cannot even believe that this got rejected! I have seen a LOT of the 'reject' cards this round and thought to myself-WOW-it must be one heck of an issue! Congrats on being featured on the blog, and that little heart is just PERFECT for the challenge-thanks for playing along w/ us!!!!

  3. You are SO fabulous omg I cannot even believe that this got rejected! I have seen a LOT of the 'reject' cards this round and thought to myself-WOW-it must be one heck of an issue! Congrats on being featured on the blog, and that little heart is just PERFECT for the challenge-thanks for playing along w/ us!!!!

  4. I don't know how this card didn't get picked up - it is brilliant! What a creative way to use that sketch. I feel your pain, I made 10 cards; all rejected. I think it was just a crazy tough pool. Anyway, super awesome congrats on your feature at Moxie Fab too! ;)

  5. Wow!!!!!! That carrot gift card is a showstopper! I understand how you MUST not let this discourage you! I loooove this adorable design and it really is a WINNER in my eyes! Congrats on the MF feature...I'm so glad that I met the WORLD FAMLOUS Savannah!

  6. Oh, Sav! I LOVE this sweet, little card! It's, absolutely, adorable! I can tell that you put a lot of time into it, too! Hang in there! Oh! And I saw your feature, too! Woot! Woot! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!

  7. Savannah your ART is always adorable, gorgeous and inspiring!!! You never know what they are looking for!! And girl you are no less talented than those that were picked up!! I am encouraged and inspired by all you girls who do submit - I want to and just haven't taken the time to do it (ok and honestly I have chickened out a little too LOL) Keep crafting PLEASE I love your blog and even though I do not comment often enough I visit and smile each time I see your work!! HUGS Rona

  8. Well they must not have had another great card to put on the same page as this because your card is ADORABLE!!! Great interpretation of the sketch, cute sentiment, and great details!

  9. Your card is fabulous! I didn't have a clue what to do with that sketch and didn't even try it! LOL

  10. Don't be sad Miss Lady....your work is so so so awesome, girl!!!! I have been a big fan of your work for a long time and just remember that rejection is all part of the submission process. I have been rejected oh so many can be sad but keep your head up and keep trying!!! This card is sooooooooooo darn cute by the way and congrats on the Moxie Fab feature....WTG!!!

  11. I loovvee your adorable project. You did a fab job with the sketch. Loved seeing you over at Moxie Fab too. You have lots of fans out here that love your work. :)

  12. Your carrot card is so clever!!!! You are moxie fab and at least you're on the current newstands with Paper Crafts!

  13. Oh, I totally <3 your carrot. You know I love a good punny card! You are more than a winner in my book, I just love all your creativity everyday! Hugs,

    lisa a.

  14. SERIOUSLY!!!!! This card is such a FANTABULOUSLY creative take on the sketch!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOV the carrot!!! SOOOO precious!!

    Congrats on your three cards making it into Cards magazine love!! Maybe ours will share a page together in that issue!

  15. This card is just so darling and super creative too! Congrats on the Moxie Fab feature and for stopping by my blog to leave me a sweet comment :)

  16. Sav this is sooooooooo cute!! Hopefully you're long over this sadness with your Moxie Fabbyness and your CARDS brilliance - but clearly they had to reject a TON of awesome cards this time around and you should NOT let it get you down - YOU ARE AMAZING!!!

  17. Could this BE any cuter?!! I love sweet and fun, and the sentiment is adorable!! Great job! ♥♥♥

  18. Sav, I don't believe my eyes! This incredible carrot pull-out card was NOT picked up? Unbelievable!! I LOVE it and those stripes are so perfect! Cheer up, sweetie. Your work is always amazing and inspiring, plus you've got that fabulous feature on Moxie Fab World!

  19. I feel your pain, Sav! I didn't have any luck with the PC call either. Your carrot card is SO adorable and creative! And a big congrats on your MFW feature!

  20. Sav, it's hard to believe this wasn't picked. This is the cutest carrot card ever! Please, please, please do try to submit've already got several cards in publication, and I know you will again. You are mega-talented!

  21. THIS card is fabulous! Rejection sucks, plain and simple, especially when you LOVE what you created. But really, isn't that what it's all about????.... making stuff that you love and love to share. You are fabulous (I know you know that!) and I came here to tell you CONGRATS on being Moxie Fab! THAT is one honor you should be tooting really LOUD! Hugs, girl!

  22. You are FAB, Sav! This is such a cute card... how could it not be picked up? It's awesome!

  23. You were Blog Spotted by Paper Craft Planet! We'd love for you to have our badge -- click here to get it, and to see your featured post:

    Thank you so much for sharing your work with us!

  24. Congrats on your being mentioned at Paper Craft Planet, Sav! See, this card is VERY much appreciated by all of us!

  25. Wowza. Don't be sad, this is amazing, and so are you! :)

  26. Hey Savannah! Thanks for entering the Paper Piecing Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the stampy fun! :)

  27. I can relate to feeling down-I get that way sometimes about the calls. Not always, but it seems to hit me particularly hard when they're PC calls. It's my favorite card mag. On a lighter note, this card is SO adorable! I can't believe it wasn't picked up! I don't have this set yet, but when I do, I am SO case-ing you, lol! {hugs} <3

  28. darling card, sav:) and a good congrats on your moxie feature!!

  29. Aww, Sav, this card is just the sweetest thing! You shouldn't be down about not being picked up, who knows what they were looking for, but just because this wasn't it doesn't mean it's not fabulous! I love the way that green ribbon sticks up just like the plant coming out of the ground! What they call rejection is what I call eye candy for the rest of us. I wouldn't want to wait to see these in a magazine when I can see them next to your pretty smiling face. That's acceptance to me... :)


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