
20 August 2011

RAKs from fabulous friends:)

Hello, friends:)

I am overwhelmed by the RAK that I've received!! Most of the cards that I received were for my birthday--and I just cannot thank my friends enough for going out of there way to bless me! 

First up is a card by Cathy M. She is on the ATU team with me--she is sooooooo amazing! LOVE that rocking chair! Very vintage--fab! Hope she wasn't saying that I'm vintage! LOL!
Next, I received this super cute card by Jackie H. She is a friend that crafts with me in my studio. Her card is completely made by her!! I did tell her that we have to work on sentiments--not nice, Jackie:) You'll be my age one of these days! LOL!
Then I received this fabulous card by Kim Kesti--I KNOW! I got a handmade card by Kim!! LOVE it:)
I also received a card from Megan Hoeppner. OH MY! Love her blog too! What a fabulous idea to use up several thickers/alphas! 
My neighbor, Barbara, sent me this beautiful tea cup card--I gave her a tea cup bird feeder for her birthday. So this card is perfect as a TU:} LOVE!
What a surprise it was to find this elegant birthday card in my mailbox--it's from my good friend, Colleen D. She is on the PDCC team with me! LOVE LOVE LOVE that striped paper--not sure you can see how it shines! And the ric rac! OH! LOVE:)
Then I received a huge package from my good friend, Ruby 2 Shoes and her daughter, TinksRuby is on the PDCC team with me as well. And her package was def. unexpected! They sent me some cards and notes, along with a cupcake die, cupcake recipe book, a bookmark, and so many goodies! LOVE LOVE LOVE all the cupcakes! 
This is a note from Tinks--it even had cupcakes on it! LOVE!
My friends, The Ammerman family, gave me a super fun birthday gift, which included a handmade card by their son, Christopher, and a SHOE bag! They know I love love love shoes--esp. heels! Too funny!
**NOTE:: I didn't even notice until now that my font didn't have an apostrophe on their name! OY! 

I'm still going--SO BLESSED to have received all these cards/goodies!!!

Tracey K. {another good friend from the PDCC} sent me this GOOOORGEOUS card! OH MY! I love the papers and the stitching! And that flower--Fab! 
I had another small package with two beautiful cards created by Andrea M. Oh--what a surprise these were! I love how my birthday card is modern and stitched--look at those lines! SOOOO clever! 
And I love this friendship card by Andrea--those colors are just GORGEOUS together--that seam binding makes me drool! LOVE LOVE LOVE
And last but not least, I bought myself a birthday bracelet from my friend's blog/website- Vintage Glam. OH MY! These bracelets are SOOOOOO gorgeous--and I cannot wait to save up more money to get more colors! I wasn't expecting anything but my order--and when I opened up my package--Eryn (the owner and a fabulous friend) had the most amazing package for me. It included a fabric flower wrap with my bracelet and this little necklace as a surprise gift! Made me tear up--I was overwhelmed by the message and how perfect it was for me! Eryn is soooo amazing and super talented and so sweet to send that to me:) LOVE it! 
Photo taken by Jessica D. THANKS
Here I am wearing my bracelet--ACK! LOOOOOOOOOVE!
I cannot say THANK YOU enough--I am super blessed and so thankful for all my friends and followers! I had over 400 messages for my birthday, and I have to say that it def. made turning 30 AMAZING! LOOOOOOOVE all of you:) 

Thanks so much for everything! Many blessings:)


  1. WOW! All your RAKS are just gorgeous! You can see how you just spending love to so many people. You so deserve it my friend!

  2. Sentiments, schmentiments! I have to bust on you....30 is NOT old!

  3. Sentiments, schmentiments! I have to bust on you...30 is NOT old!

  4. Ah Sav, thanks for including me, but more importantly for including Tinks!!! She was really pleased! Glad you loved all your cupcakes lol and that you had a wonderful birthday my fab friend!! xx

  5. Yes, this is truly an excess of riches... but you deserve every one of them, Sav!

  6. Yeah for turning 30!! It is so amazing how many RAKs you received & all the bday wishes! Yeah!! :)

  7. Can't believe the foster grants didn't make the cut... Oh well guess I'll just have to try harder next time :)

  8. I'm so glad you had such a great birthday! :) I'm so behind on my blog reading & I'm bummed that I missed it! Love those Vintage Glam bracelets! What does yours say?

  9. You have the nicest, most creative friends who are so sweet to send you a handmade card! Happy belated birthday :)

  10. What an AMAZING collection of cards Sav!!! Thanks for the shout out!!! Hope you had the bestest birthday EVAH!! You deserve it sweet girl!!!

  11. so HAPPY you had such a wonderful birthday, you totally deserve every single bit of it! :) all of these creations posted are just FABULOUS!!! :)

  12. All I can think about is what goes around comes around. Most of the time, people say that when someone does something 'bad'...but it goes both ways. You are one of the sweetest, sincere, most supportive people I know and no WONDER you are showered with love right back at you. Love to you- thank you for being YOU <3

  13. It was so nice of you to feature all your birthday goodies on your blog, Sav! You received so many cool things. :) HOpe your birthday was the happiest! HUgs to you.

  14. I missed your birthday! Happy Belated, Sav!! It sounds like it was an amazing day and I loved seeing all the RAKs you received. You are SOOO young. LOL

  15. Aw! What a blessed girl you are! I think that I'd die, if I ever received so many, gorgeous, handmade creations! TFS!

  16. The RAKS you received are all lovely! Looks like you had a wonderful 30th birthday!


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