
09 August 2011

RCC15 Get Edgy with Jessica Diedrich

Hello, friends:}

If you have not been to The Ribbon Carousel Challenge--head over there NOW!! We are starting a brand new challenge today! 

Jessica Diedrich, The Greeting Farm Design Team coordinator (aka. The Farmers), wants us to get in touch with our “edgier side”.  So rip your paper, distress your edges, use an edgy character or image….just do something “edgy”. 
"The Greeting Farm" first sprouted into the stamping world in 2008 as a small dream and has cultivated into something wonderful because of our wonderful customers and new friends such as you!  August marks a special month for us as we are celebrating our third year of fun!  The Greeting Farm brings you cute and charismatic images that are LOADS of fun to stamp and COLOR!  Shortly after the popularity of Anya and her sidekick Ian arose, our Wild Sprout line was added, including the Cheeky Cherry collection which debuted during our after our first CHA trade show in the winter of 2010!  Also added to to our line last year was the adorable Oliver and Amelia collection, bringing you back to precious childhood memories.  New this year, our "Creepers" have quickly become a favorite for those who prefer a more edgy and artistic side of TGF.  There is truly something for EVERYONE on the Farm and we are HONORED to be sponsoring the Ribbon Carousel Challenge!  Please visit us at!"

For one lucky participant in this week's challenge The Greeting Farm is giving away a 4x6 stamp set of YOUR CHOICE!! So get your edgy on!  Your creation can be anything from cards, quilts, sewn items, paper crafts, paintings, anything will work!  

*** Please remember that your creation must have ribbon, bakers twine, jute twine, lace (basically anything that comes on a spool). ***

The Greeting Farm was kind enough to supply our Crew with some awesomely “EDGY” images. I received Ballet Anya. Super cute! I used my image and made a small gift card holder or small tag card. I used some Celery V Striped Twill ribbon along with some Cotton Candy Divine Twine {Available HERE at The Ribbon Carousel shop}. 
I love her little dress--and if you look closely, I made the edge of her dress torn. I wanted to make it look like it was tulle--so I tore the vellum {which I colored with pink ink}. 
The RCC team would love for you to join in the fun this week! Here are the details:
  • Make your creation following the ribbon carousel challenge (sketch, inspiration, style or color) image. Be sure to include some type of ribbon, twine, hemp, lace....basically, anything that comes on a spool.
  • Load your creation up onto your blog or a public viewing forum like SplitcoastStampers, (use the keyword RCC15) with a direct link back to The RCC blog post. Including the challenge graphic isn't a requirement, but sure is appreciated! A participant of our very first challenge didn't link back or mention our challenge and couldn't be named Top Spool, so don't let that happen to you!
  • Come back to The RCC blog post and link in your creation using the Inlinkz button at the bottom of this post. Your image may take a little while to pop up but don't worry it will appear shortly.
  • Be sure to come back the Friday after the challenge ends to see if YOU are a Top Spool! :D
This Challenge will end on August 14, 2011 at 11:59pm EST.

I really hope you will play along! Please stop by the RCC blog for more details, more projects from the RCC DT, and to link up your creation! Also, please head over to The Ribbon Carousel website and check out their products--I ordering more spools this week! LOVE all this ribbon:} 

Thanks so much for stopping by! Be blessed:}


  1. Oh, this is such a cutie!! Love the Greeting Farm, they have such sweet stamps!
    Wishing you a wonderful day!
    Hugs, Wendy

  2. What a bright and so cute of a card!

  3. the vellum idea--so clever, savannah! love this sweet card!

  4. This is absolutely FABULOUS!

  5. I love her vellum skirt, Sav! Awesome idea and super cute card. :)

  6. k, first thing i said was, "awwwww, I love her sparkly crown!" super cute!

  7. Love this little lady's tulle skirt - with rip! And you did a great job blinging up her tiara, as well, Sav. ;)

  8. Oh! That little ballerina is so cute... and the vellum-torn-as-tulle is brilliant! So sweet, Sav.

  9. So sweet and cute! Thanks also for your sweet comment on the Moxie Fab feature about me! :-)

  10. Savannah, I love her little tulle skirt. You are so clever to dream that up. Beautiful coloring.

  11. Oh my Sav! How CUTE is this?!?! WOW! Great job with that cute Greeting Farm stamp!!!


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