
16 August 2011

RCC16 Sketch Time with Danielle and Amber Ink!

Hello, friends:}

I am sitting on the beach in The Keys while you read this--we are on a mini vacation!! So I apologize if there is a missing link or if I was typing too fast and made some major typos:) I'll share pics when we get back!! LOVE it!!!

If you have not been to The Ribbon Carousel Challenge--head over there NOW!! We are starting a brand new challenge today! 

Danielle is challenging us to use one of her “go to” sketches as this week's Ribbon Carousel Challenge (RCC16).  
And this week, we’re being joined by the Design Team of our sponsor, Amber Ink !  Amber Ink  is giving one randomly selected participant a $15 Gift Certificate to their store! 
AmberInk was started by a mother and daughter team.  Amber lives in the East, Pam lives in the West.  Amber is an Emmy nominated children's animator and illustrator, who creates from her Brooklyn, New York studio.  Although they do carry some clear stamps, the company runs by the premise that their customers are more brilliant than patient.  If you've been a diehard clear or rubberstamper, they can even help you with the transition to digital.  And don't worry about asking a silly question, because as a retired public high school teacher, Pam has already seen it all.   Check out the ever-increasing tutorial links, which you can find on the homepage. Hailing from the Hawaiian Islands, the Aloha Spirit is alive and well at

*** Please remember that your creation must have ribbon, bakers twine, jute twine, lace (basically anything that comes on a spool). ***

Amber Ink was kind enough to supply our Crew with amazing digital stamp sets! I loved the Hostess with the Mostess set, and I used it for a birthday card for my friend, Tracey! **Her birthday was last Saturday...yes, I'm a bit behind! But who doesn't love to celebrate twice;) I flipped the sketch to the side and paper pieced this Amber image with lots of papers I had in my stash!! LOVE LOVE LOVE how this turned out! Best part--Trav actually helped me create the ENTIRE card! He sat there fussy cutting several images. He had to fussy cut the arms twice:) It was super fun working with him in the studio! **smiles**
**That cake is supposed to be red velvet....we have been watching a lot of The Food Network channel! LOL!

The ribbon I used is the vintage seam binding from The Ribbon Carousel Shop--you can find it HERE. I wanted to make her dress look like her ruffles were real....LOVE how they turned out:) 

The RCC team would love for you to join in the fun this week! Here are the details:
  • Make your creation following the ribbon carousel challenge (sketch, inspiration, style or color) image. Be sure to include some type of ribbon, twine, hemp, lace....basically, anything that comes on a spool.
  • Load your creation up onto your blog or a public viewing forum like SplitcoastStampers, (use the keyword RCC16) with a direct link back to The RCC blog post. Including the challenge graphic isn't a requirement, but sure is appreciated! A participant of our very first challenge didn't link back or mention our challenge and couldn't be named Top Spool, so don't let that happen to you!
  • Come back to The RCC blog post and link in your creation using the Inlinkz button at the bottom of this post. Your image may take a little while to pop up but don't worry it will appear shortly.
  • Be sure to come back the Friday after the challenge ends to see if YOU are a Top Spool! :D
This Challenge will end on August 22, 2011 at 11:59pm EST.

I really hope you will play along! Please stop by the RCC blog for more details, more projects from the RCC DT, and to link up your creation! Also, please head over to The Ribbon Carousel website and check out their products--I ordering more spools last week! LOVE them all--I will share a pic when I get back home! OH MY---ribbon galore:) 

Thanks so much for stopping by! Be blessed:}


  1. Some of your best work to date

  2. Dear Sav!!!

    This is a fabulous card!!! Love the stamp and also the background paper you used for this, makes it a fun card instantly!!! Very, very nice!!! Hope you are enjoying The Keys!! Some relaxing time! Wonderful! I was just at the Unity blog and saw that you won with your wonderful sunshiny card!!! Congratulations!!! that was a great one!!!
    Wishing you all the best!!
    Hugs, Wendy

  3. What a fun creation, the paper piecing is such a great effect. Hope you are having a great time on your mini-vacation.

  4. EEEEK...this is sooooo fun. Love that ribbon treatment. :)

  5. Fantastic card!!! Love her skirt! Have a great vacation!

  6. This is one cute cute cute card. That Red Velvet cake look good enough to EAT! Your coloring is so cute and just love how you did her dress. You totally ROCKED this challenge.

  7. Ooooo! LOVE what you've done with that skirt and all that fabulous paper piecing! Absolutely stunning, girl!

  8. What a sweet flounce her hem has, Sav! And yum, yum: Red Velvet Cake (the lip gloss smells good too ;) sounds WONDERFUL! Hope you are enjoying the Keys. :)

  9. Oh wow, Sav, I absolutely LOVE what you did with this Amber girl's skirt. It's perfect! What a fabulous card.

  10. There is just so much about this post I love! Sitting in the FLA. Keys, Eating Cake (Red Velvet no less) extra fluffy frills and gorgeous papers and coloring! Wow! Eat cake is right!!!

  11. Savannah, her dress is so clever! What a brilliant idea. Love it :)

  12. So darn cute, Sav! I LOVE what you did with her dress! :)

  13. oh my goodness!!! I adore the ruffle under her dress and yum, red velvet!!! ha.

  14. Love her dress on the card. Great blog.

  15. YOU ARE SOOOOOOO AMAZING!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE what you have done with Amber Ink!!! I simply love their digi stamps, and you have such a classy way of stamping and using patterned paper. Most people use too much patterned paper, and just color the stamp, but girl, you HAVE IT DOWN!!! This card is PERFECTO!!!

    The colors, the pp, and that precious skirt of ribbon!!! I SIMPLY ADORE THIS!!! Submit to Cards IMMMEDIATELY!!! LOVE THIS

  16. wow.. I bow my head to the master of Paper fussy cutting!! Awesome card. you ROcK Sav!! xx

  17. This is BEAUTIFUL, Sav! I love what you did with her skirt!

  18. fabulous shirt ruffle, savannah!!

    my computer crashed, and i'm catching up:)


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