
19 August 2011

Sweet Stamp Shop creation and video

Hello, friends:)
I'm back with more Sweet Stamp Shop crafty goodness:) LOVE LOVE LOVE these stamps! I am featured over on the SSS blog today--so be sure to check it out! I used the Cool Scoop stamp set. Here is a sneak peek--ohhhh!!! Someone is going to be getting this card in the mail SOON!!! 
I also created a crafty tip video for my SSS post today. Be sure to stop by the SSS YouTube [HERE] channel and check it out!

Thanks so much for stopping by!!! I can't wait to share more SSS creations with you!! And I can't wait to see what you make using your SSS images!! There is a 25% code for the Gnomies set {LOVGN25}. HOOOORAY!!!

Thanks again for stopping by {and hopping over to the SSS to check out my creation/video}. Be blessed!
ps... Don't forget to follow the Sweet Stamp Shop here: Twitter, FBYouTube, Flickr  


  1. Good morning, my friend! Cute card and great hearing your voice on the video - some great ideas there!

  2. adorable card and love this video--watched it over at sss:)

  3. This is one sweet and colorful card. I just love how you did the ice cream and that cherry on top. You are for sure going to make someone happy when the receive this card. I just love your tip on storing the stamps. Thanks for a great tip.

  4. The colours of this card are perfect, Sav! Love the patterned papers, too. Sweet, indeed!

  5. Wow a professional video Savannah! Thanks for the tips, I'm off to use them with my Melvin and Vernie set!

  6. Fabulous card Sav!!! Awesome video too!!! LOVE those storage tips! It is so great to hear your real voice :)


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