
14 January 2012


Hello, friends:}

I'm back with my cards that were featured on the Momenta blog earlier this week {click HERE to check it out}!!! I am so excited that I've joined the Momenta team! I am with an AMAZING group of gals! 

I just love the paper pad Family Outings by Momenta! I knew that I wanted to make a birthday card for a young child (or even an adult) by fussy cutting some of the patterned paper. I used this video tutorial to make my card. This tutorial is super easy to follow! Once I had the basic card design completed, I modified the instructions by adding a banner on the top half of the card. This is very tricky since you don't want the banner to be too tight and you don't want it to get caught in the pop-up section. I used some Glue Arts Micro Squares to adhere the twine and banner pieces. Even though these adhesive pieces are "micro" in size--I rolled them to make them even smaller to fit behind the twine. It worked perfectly!
I also used the Glue Arts U CUT IT 3D foam for the fussy cut elephant piece. I just love this little guy! I wanted to add extra dimension and this foam worked well!! I thought originally that this foam was the same as other foam--not very thick in size. WRONG! Glue Arts U CUT IT 3D foam is 3D! Super thick and perfect for making elements pop off your page.
I think this card turned out super cute! I cannot wait to send it to my nephew!
When you pull or slide the tab up, a secret message is revealed:) 

Momenta Product
Red Star and Yellow Polka Dot papers and Elephant image

Glue Arts Product
U CUT IT 3D Foam
Micro Squares
High Tac GlueGlider Pro

Other Product
Eyelet- We R Memory Keepers
Cardstock- The Paper Co, Bazzill Basics
Punch- Marvy

For my second card, I made a version of the Tent Card using this tutorial. I created another birthday card because the Momenta Let's Party paper pad was perfect for this theme! I used the Glue Arts High Tac GlueGlider Pro to attach all my papers. I also used the U CUT IT 3D Foam to help the cupcake stand out better. 
My favorite part of this card is that instead of gluing the tent card together (so it wouldn't open)....I added magnets to the bottom piece! This allows you to write on the inside, as well as have the "tent" effect. It was SUPER easy to add the magnets--just run the GlueGlider Pro on the back and attach. PERFECT:} 
Momenta Product
PA- 2386 Let's Party Pyramid paper pad
Pink Polka Dot, Purple Polka Dot, Cupcake papers
Brown Grid paper

Glue Arts Product
U CUT IT 3D Foam
High Tac GlueGlider Pro

Other Product
Cricut- Doodletype cartridge

That's it for me today! THANKS so much for stopping by! Be blessed:}


  1. These are ADORABLE! I loveeeeee how you added dimension to them! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. So very cute, Savannah! Love the fun techniques! Congrats on the new team!! {{{hugs}}}

  3. These are sooo cool, Sav! Ilove all the colorful dotted paper and the images are so much fun! You've been very creative with the shapes of the card! Looks awesome!!
    Hugs, Wendy

  4. Both of these cards are super cute Sav! I love making tent cards, so fun! Have a great weekend :)

  5. Awesome cards, Sav! I just love the banner card with the elephant. I {heart} elephants! :)

  6. Both of these are ADORABLE!!!! TOTALLY!!!! Love them!

  7. Great cards!!! I love the one with the elephant!

  8. Complete cuteness, Sav! Your nephew is sure to adore the elephant card. And of course, who wouldn't love a cupcake card? ;)

  9. OMG! Both of these cards are AMAZING! SO ADORABLE!!!!

    How have you been my friend?! I'm sorry I've been such a bad blogging buddy! Things are getting into a bit more of a routine now so I hope to be around a bit more often (hmm, seems I've said that before…). Hope all is well and that you are having a most excellent start to the new year!

  10. Super fun colors! Love that elephant.

  11. great design work, savannah! they are both darling cards:)

  12. shut up! you never cease to amaze me. can I be like you when i grow up!!! both projects are just awesome.

  13. Oh this is just the cutest creations Savannah. You are so innovative.

  14. These are so adorable! LOVE those close-ups of how you did some of your tedious steps! And happy birthday to your nephew!


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