
22 January 2012

More Avocado Arts

Hello, friends:}
The Avocado Arts pit crew are sharing some creations today using the January Sweet Treat Sweetie set! Be sure to stop by the AA blog for more information and LOTS more inspiration!

I decided to use that super cute XO stamp for my inspiration. I stamped it several times with some yellow/orange and pink inks (A*Muse Studio). Then I ran that piece of paper through my Cricut and die cut a sentiment (but I only used the negative). I also used my Cricut to die cut the heart image from this stamp set. I LOVE AA's digital die cut files! Finally, I added this piece to a red card base. SOOOOOO easy and SUPER cute! Perfect  for Valentine's day!!! LOVE
That's it for me today! Be sure to stop by the AA blog for more details and inspiration. And don't forget to check out my other teammates' blogs! You are going to love what they share today!!!! 

And if you have time--check out Avocado Arts on FacebookTwitterPinterest, and Flickr. Let me know if you get this kit--I cannot wait to see what you create with it:}

Thanks so much for stopping by! Many blessings!

Photobucket is my FIL's bday--Happy Birthday, Kevin!!!


  1. This is so sweet and fun! Great BG stamping!

  2. Sooooooooooooooo cute. Love that bg. Love how nice your sentiment looks on it.

  3. Savannah, your negative cuts are so cool! (loved that PDCC card!) Love the look and what a great way to have some extra alphas around, too! I really need to pull out my Cricut!! Blessings!!

  4. This card is SOOOOO darling!! I love the pink and yellow striping!!!! FUN FUN FUN--Just like you!

  5. Happy birthday to your Father-In-Law! Yay! And this card is just fabby!! Love the background you created! Happy-making colors!!!
    Hugs & happy day to you!

  6. I always enjoy seeing your cards that are not the standard size because you make them so fun and interesting. This one is perfect, the colors great!

  7. Oh, Savannah, this is gorgeous!!! Love the colors and the design is spot on!! Happy birthday to your FIL!

  8. Beautiful!! LOVING the colors and that little heart!! And Happy Birthday to your FIL! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  9. Sav, this is sooo adorable & sweet! Great design. :)

  10. So sweet Sav :) I love how you made your own dp using the stamps, then you used the negative. Even better!

  11. Too fun Sav! I love the colors and the fun bg stamping!

  12. such a cute cute all those xoxo's...

  13. Gorgeous use of the border, Savvy! I die the die cut sentiment out of the bottom!

  14. Catching up on my blog-visiting -- wow, you've been creating some beauties, Sav! And look at this one! You've started your Valentine cards off with this perfect one! Love all the x's and o's. :)

  15. Savannah, you are SO creatiive! What an awesome, cheerful card! And happy birthday to your father-in-law, too!

  16. love your colors, savannah:) fabulous valentine!

  17. I'm sooo lovin' the sweet colors on this. :)

  18. Sweet card! I can't wait to get my set to play with! ;o)

  19. This is sooooo pretty! That background stamping is amazing! :)

  20. So, so, so love this card! The background stamping is so perfect! Love it!

  21. *LOVE* that stamped background! fabulous card Sav!!


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