
26 January 2012

PDCC #116 post1

Hello, friends:} 

**After 8am--Please click HERE or scroll up for my Paper Smooches SPARKS  challenge post!
We are starting another color story today over on the  Play Date Cafe blog! This week's colors are beautiful and dark-- plum, yellow/green pear, and moldy cheese. Our sponsor this week is Sweet 'N Sassy Stamps 

I used a piece of paper from three different companies: Studio Calico, Webster's Pages, and Cosmo Cricket! **Notice I used the colors of the paper to match their company name! ACK:)  LOVE! I love mixing papers! And these papers were the perfect match for this color story. I created a simple blocked design, and stamped a sentiment using a brad and a small die cut circle {using some of the pear colored paper} as an accent. I finished the card off with some brown alphas. LOOOOOVE this card--and to be honest, I didn't think I would! 
And today is actually the last time Michele and Andrea will be joining us as a PDCC DT. I just love this team--and I've enjoyed getting to know Michele and Andrea throughout the last year (or so!!!). One thing that I love about Michele is that she is so generous--one of the first things she did when she joined this team was send me a surprise package with some gorgeous grey ribbon (and you know how much I LOOOOOVE ribbons!!). She is also very organized! LOVE that--and wish I was as organized:)

I just love Andrea to bits--she always inspires me with her wonderful creations. The details! WOOOOOOOOOOW--my jaw is literally dropped every single time I visit her blog! I don't know how she does it--creating such complex and beautiful creations daily, working, keeping up with wife/mother duties....and visiting blogs {I enjoy her visits to my piece of blogland}! WOW! All around amazing woman!  

Good luck to you, Michele and Andrea!!! I will def. miss working with you on this team! THANKS for everything and many blessings to you in your new adventures:}

That's it for me....but be sure to stop by the PDCC blog for complete details and prize information! The PDCC sponsor this week is Sweet 'N Sassy Stamps Be sure to link up your creations by Tuesday, January 31st at 11:59pm EST.
Thanks for stopping by! Be blessed:}



  1. What a fun card design!! I like how you blocked off all the different patterns. And what a fun sentiment!

  2. SO fun! Love your paper mix!!!! :)

  3. great use of patterned paper!

    love it!

  4. Just stopping by to say hi - your name came up in conversation the other day with Kim Fordyce - she goes to my in-laws' church and we were there speaking at their missions conference. Anyway, we talked for a loooooooong time Sunday night about crafts and blogs and pinterest and CHA and all kinds of stuff after the meeting was over, and she mentioned you - I knew I had seen your name online, so I thought I'd pop over and poke around a little bit. Wish we had a little more time in Florida this time around - it would have been fun to all get together!
    Blessings, Dina
    (I blog at

  5. Love love love love this!! AWESOME colors and loving the grid design! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  6. Love the patterned paper blocks Sav! Super fun card!

  7. I love this. Love the blocks of color!! Cute!!

  8. Very fun Savannah! I really like the number paper ;)

  9. I cannot believe that you found papers to match so perfectly! This one was a struggle for me, but you ROCKED it out of the park!

  10. Moldy cheese? Blech. Your card? Awesome! Perfect mix of patterned papers.

  11. Your combination of colors and patterns work great together, sweet card!!

  12. You do have the most amazing assortment of patterned papers, Sav! For every challenge, you've got something that fits. You are incredible!

  13. Wow, combining companies and patterns. You ROCK big time. Fabby card my dear!

  14. Loving the block design on this card :):)

  15. Gorgeous card and I love the patterned papers. The white space is fantastic.


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