
31 January 2012

RCC38-Paper Piecing With Kim

Hello, friends:}
It's time for another Ribbon Carousel Challenge--Kim O'Connell has challenged us to use the paper-piecing technique somewhere on our creations! OHHHHHHHH! This was one of my favorite challenges-- I LOVE paper piecing! 

Our sponsor this week is Birdie Brown {Torico}. Torico will give one random winner their choice of 3 Digi images from the Birdie Brown store!

Hello everyone! My name is Torico, the owner of Birdie Brown, and you may know me as an illustrator for There She Goes Clear Stamps. I'm a mom to two kids who live in Japan. I've loved doodling since I was a child, and have a passion for card making now! At my Etsy shop, Birdie Brown, I'm offering whimsical and cute (Japanese "kawaii") digital stamps created from my original illustrations. Speaking about card making, I love "simple & cute" design. So, most of my digital stamps are designed to match such a style. If you also like "simple & cute" style, you'll find something you have been wanting on Birdie Brown!! 

The RCC DT were lucky enough to get a free image (THANK YOUBirdie Brown)!!! I picked THIS little chef! So cute! I made a gift card holder card using some My Mind's Eye papers and my Birdie Brown image. LOOOOOOOOVE! I love love love that black seam binding {available HERE at The Ribbon Carousel}. I am addicted to this seam binding--I ordered a WHOLE spool!! LOVE x10! I think this card turned out super cute! 
Money or a gift card can be placed behind the yellow panel.
I do wish I could have put the sentiment "Bon Appetit"...not enough room! 
A close-up of the paper piecing. I even used a glaze pen on his mustache! 

The RCC team would love for you to join in the fun this week! Here are the details:
  • Make your NEW creation following the ribbon carousel challenge (sketch, inspiration, style or color) image. Be sure to include some type of ribbon, twine, hemp, lace....basically, anything that comes on a spool.
  • Your creation can be ANYTHING from cards, quilts, sewn items, paper crafts, paintings! ***Be sure to have ribbon, bakers twine, jute twine, lace, thread (basically anything that comes on a spool) on your creation! And be sure to follow the RCC challenge theme!
  • Load your creation up onto your blog or a public viewing forum like SplitcoastStampers, (use the keyword RCC38) with a direct link back to The RCC blog post. Including the challenge graphic isn't a requirement, but sure is appreciated! A participant of our very first challenge didn't link back or mention our challenge and couldn't be named Top Spool, so don't let that happen to you!
  • Come back to The RCC blog post and link in your creation using the Inlinkz button at the bottom of this post. Your image may take a little while to pop up but don't worry it will appear shortly.
  • Be sure to come back the Friday after the challenge ends to see if YOU are a Top Spool! :D
This challenge will end on February 6th at 11:59pm EST.

I really hope you will play along! Please stop by the RCC blog for more details, more projects from the RCC DT, and to link up your creation! 

Also, please head over to The Ribbon Carousel website and check out their products!!! If you haven't seen THIS post about the NEW ribbon carousels---you should head over there NOW!!! Can't wait to get one!! Only a couple more days!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Be blessed:}



  1. EEEEEEK! This is SO stinkin' cute! The gingham card base is perfect! LOVE!

  2. Ahh, Savannah...your card is absolutely adorable! The paper piecing is perfect and I love the black ribbon accent...seem to go perfectly with your sweet little chef! Awesome card, my dear!

  3. How cute, Sav! I love paper-piecing, too! May just have to head over to RRC and play along....

  4. such a cute,cute card! loooove those mix of patterns. this is fun, Sav.

  5. This piecing is so painstaking it looks just fabulous! And you do such a great job mixing patterns...I need to work on that. Thanks!

  6. This guy is just so freakin' cute :) He makes me giggle and I love the dp you used with him. Great job Sav! Your creations always make me smile.

  7. That little chef man is SO adorable, and I love the one with the white in his beard. I'm watching him age before my eyes...

  8. GOODNESS darn cute is this guy! Love the colors you've used, perfect here!

    Thanks for your love on my blog, it's GREATLY appreciated ;)

  9. I quite like this one. Esp the buttons

  10. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your card!!!! I just got a different chef from Torico off Etsy, but now I'm wishing I had bought this one. ;) The pp you used is absolutely perfect! Fab paper piecing!

  11. You sure are the paper-piecing queen! It is impeccable!! I love this little chef and the colors are so darling! You inspire me!!!!!!

  12. Obviously, this challenge was created with YOU in mind, Sav! Awesome card. (Did the ENJOY come from your alpha drawer?) :)

  13. this could not get any cuter!!!!

  14. He would look so good in my chef themed kitchen. Love. :)

  15. LOL!!! I have no idea how I missed this but it's so freakin' cute! You are amazing.

  16. toooo darn cute! he is a super funny little guy. love your card.

  17. Sooooooooooooo CUTE CUTE CUTE!! I loveeeeeeeee that chef! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  18. He is just so adorable!! Love the soft script paper you used for his hat....and those buttons!!


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