
07 February 2012

Sparkle Creations Rubber Stamps challenge #72 post1

Hello, friends:}

**Please click HERE for my Avocado Arts post.
**After 12pm noon--Please click HERE for my Whisker Graphics sneak peek--or click HERE to see the whole project. 

Congratulations to the Giants for winning the Super Bowl....they did win, right?

I'm super excited to share my creation today--I made it for the Sparkle Creations Rubber Stamps challenge #72--football theme! I'm not a fan of football, or sports in general, but I looooove my card!  For more information on this challenge, click HERE
Like I said earlier....super bowl??? What? I had to call Travis to see who was playing at the super bowl because I went to "search" the internet and couldn't find the names of the teams! **Ok--another confession....I cannot search the internet! I can never find what I'm looking for! LOL! I used some of my Bella Blvd. sports themed papers and stickers {Making the Team} for this card. I love how they coordinate together! I also used my SCRS Football Josh image--paper pieced the entire thing (including his helmet and shoes!). And of ribbon {black seam binding} came from The Ribbon Carousel. LOVE the final product! GO TEAM! **Notice that I said TEAM--that's because I don't know who to cheer for:) 
Close-up of my paper piecing:) 

That's it for me today! Be sure to stop by the SCRS blog for more details and to see the rest of the team's amazing creations! 

You have until Sunday, February 12th at 9pm PST to play along with the current challenge {HERE}. All SCRS challenges are open to all players--this week you are playing along to win a Sparkle Creations Rubber Stamp!  In order to qualify for a prize, you must use a SC image. 

Thanks so much for stopping by--I can't wait to see what you make for this challenge! Be blessed:}



  1. Awesome paper-piecing! Just love the bold colours! :)

  2. Ha! You are so cute! You made me laugh with having to ask Travis to help you out! Hey, if I can Google, you can Google!!
    Your card is adorable, love all the paper piecing! God bless you!

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhh this is ADORABLE!!! I love love love the little football guy and the colors are FAB!!! And you are toooooo cute about the super bowl!! LOL!!! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Like this!! The colors are pretty and that guy is so cute! Very nice! By the way, today the package arrived!! Yippee!! Will write you more soon, I'm having very busy days at work, sorry... Made me cranky and gave me a headache... But this package made me happy!!! Love it! And you even put something extra in for me!!! You spoiled me! You are toooooo sweet!!!! Love it!
    Will write more soon! Hope you are okay and that you didn't get sick!
    Hugs, Wendy

  5. LOVE this darling creation, Sav! The star paper is perfect, as is your piecing and sweet little tag!

    Thanks for the warm welcome back... I, too, am happy that I'm not leaving! :)

  6. eeeek! this is pretty darn fabulous.

  7. Great card, Sav! I don't do football -- but I did watch the Coke polar bears on their snowfa. :)

  8. YAY Gaints (I'm a New Yorker). Really love your card the paper piecing is perfect. You did a wonderful job.

  9. Too cute! I didn't know who to cheer for either, but I'm happy with the outcome.


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