
12 May 2012

Sparkle Creations Rubber Stamps NEW Release {post2}

Hello friends;}

**Please click HERE for my Momenta post! 

 Sparkle Creations Rubber Stamps has another fabulous NEW release today! Be sure to stop by the SCRS blog for more releases and giveaway details! You are going to love this NEW release image of Mama Charlotte

Today I've combined two of my posts/projects--I used the NEW SCRS image with my Momenta Butterfly Garden papers. I think that this image and patterned papers go well together! Momenta is sponsoring the CPS sketch challenge this week (you can read about that in my other post HERE). **I'm getting better at changing very little on sketch challenges! For this sketch--I changed the shape and sizes of the panels! I made this card with a special family in mind--my cousin and his wife are expecting their FIRST child:) CONGRATS, Tommy and Amy!!!! 
Close-up of my paper piecing-- LOVE!
That's it for me today. Be sure to visit the rest of the SCRS designers for more peeks of Mama Charlotte. GIVEAWAY alertSparkle will be giving away Mama Charlotte to one lucky person!!! For a chance to win, you need to comment on all of the designers' blogs (list below). Then head on over to the SCRS blog and comment on the Mama Charlotte post. You have until midnight EST each day to comment. The lucky winner will be announced the following day! Good luck:)

Thanks so much for stopping by! Be blessed:}


  1. Very pretty Sav! I love the sentiment and the pearls!

  2. Cute, cute, cute! Great piercing!

  3. She's so pretty and what gorgeous paper piecing :)

  4. so pretty, love the dp you used with this

  5. BEAUTIFUL! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee the colors and the little pearls!

  6. love how you fussy cut her out...and surrounded her with stitching....adorable....

  7. This is so sweet, Savannah! Your ribbon treatment is perfectly placed and the colors of the paper are so pretty.

  8. Darling card Savannah. Love the soft colors and the cut out image. :o)

  9. So...cute! Such a lovely design and the colour is just perfect!


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