
15 November 2013

Reverse Confetti & Whisker Graphics- Thankful For You

Hello, friends:}


I had some more time this week to get creative with my Reverse Confetti's and some Whisker Graphics products-- and just in case you missed my post yesterday, I've got a giveaway HERE! You could win a $15 gift certificate!!!!!! LOVE it! 

So for today's project I wanted to create a quick Thank You notecard using some My Mind's Eye Reunion papers and a WG kraft bitty bag as the envelope. I LOOOOOOVE how this turned out! ***And this little notecard and envelope creation is PERFECT for the Simon Says Stamp Wed. challenge (Thanks/Thanksgiving)!!! 
I used the new RC Confetti Tags (Tag Me) die cuts, along with the RC I Like You (heart), Forever Fall, and Celebrate Cake stamp sets for my design. LOVE!  This little card came together quite easily! I finished both the card and envelope with some WG Green Apple divine twine. **I was inspired by a card on THIS blog found on Pinterest. 
Tsukineko inks: VersaMagic Pumpkin Spice; Memento: Desert Sand, Rich Cocoa

That's it for me today! Be sure to stop by the Reverse Confetti blog for more inspiration! And be sure to follow us on Facebook HERE. **Also, be sure to check out the RC blog for NEW blog segments!! Tomorrow (the 16th) starts a NEW challenge! 

Thanks for stopping by! Be blessed:}

ps... now that I'm a part of the Imagine Crafts/Tsukineko team, I will be sharing the inks that I've used below the last picture. Be sure to check out these inks! OH MY! I love love love Tsukineko inks:) 


  1. Such a cute pairing, love those papers too!

  2. Aren't those bags just the funniest to work with! I have the white ones, I think I might need ;-) the kraft ones, too! Very cute design, Savannah!

  3. This little set is ADORABLE!! Really, I NEED to get some of those bitty bags. What a treat for anyone to receive!!! Love this!!!

  4. Love love this! Those tags are just too adorable!!

  5. Cute? Only totally x a million! LOVE this little combination; the bitty bags are perfect canvases for mini pieces of art, because that's exactly what these are! Fabulous showcase of RC products and the paper...swooon! GOR-GEOUS!!!

  6. The thank you note card and bag is great. I'm a big fan of die cuts you used. TFS

  7. Ooooh! This card and decorated bag are soooo gorgeous! Love!

  8. Oh wow!!! Awesome card and coordinating envelope!! Seriously!! I was just looking at these and thinking of how wonderful and creative and amazing they are, and I thought: man, when I am in a crafty rut, all I need to do is come here! Inspiration city!!! Looooooooove the card and especially the bitty bag!

  9. I love the idea of a bag as an envelope, I'll have to remember this! SWEET card Savannah, these are some of my fave papers!!

  10. Sooooooo beautiful!! I love love love the colors and loving that clothespin!!!

  11. Hi Sav! So tickled to see you playing along with us - love this sweet ensemble! Thanks for sharing it with us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!

  12. So cute! LOVE your mix of fall-colored papers, and that little envelope presents such a sweet delivery!

  13. Oh, oh, oh.....MAJOR cutenesses! These are simply precious. I love tags and this is such a great way to use them. The twine and the clothespin are over the top. Love these, Sanannah.


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