
05 December 2013

Virtual Smooches: Christmas Mini-Series (part1)

Hello, friends:}

Today's my day to share a video over on the  Paper Smooches video blog- Virtual Smooches

I'm going to attempt a Christmas mini-series for the next four weeks....and for part 1, I shared an easy way to create wreath name plates. I absolutely loooooove these wreaths! They are super simple and use literally only a few supplies. 

Be sure to check out the  Virtual Smooches blog {HERE} for my videos and details! 

Here's a sneak peek of my name plates:

THANKS so much for stopping by--- be sure to go HERE for my video! Be blessed:}



  1. Savannah, these wreaths are adorable, I'll check out the video, too!!

  2. Wow those ate really super nice! Love the reindeer added to the logo too:)

  3. Stop the presses! You are doing a Christmas series?!! How did you know that was on my letter to Santa?!!! Off to watch - that wreath looks awesome!!!

  4. I'm off to have a look!! Also wanted to say congrats on your article in the Dec. issue of cards!! Love it and your work they showcased! And I see you go by Sav, Sav it will be!!


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