
29 May 2014

Virtual Smooches: Washi Tape Feathers

Hello, friends:}

Today's my day to share a video over on the  Paper Smooches video blog- Virtual Smooches

I'm sharing a quick start-to-finish card. I received a lot of positive responses and questions about my washi tape feathers for THIS card a week ago.
So I thought I would share this easy technique for my video today:)

Here's a sneak peek of my video: 

THANKS so much for stopping by--- be sure to go HERE for my video! Be blessed:}


  1. Love the washi feathers! Perfect and amazing!

  2. Polka dot feathers!!??!! love ;)

  3. Hi Savannah...just wanted you to know that I LOVED your card so much that it's featured today at Scrapping Everyday Miracles blog (gave you credit along with a link to your blog). It was my very favorite washi card! Blessings, Cara from SEM


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