
18 May 2010

my FAV scrapbook page...

Hello, friends:}

I have a scrapbook page to share with you today--I know you might have seen this design on my blog before as a card [HERE]...but this card actually was a scrapbook page first. The story::: As soon as Trav and I got married, I knew I wanted to make this page. I just didn't have time. Fast forward three years and I made this card for the CARDS challenge (make a tree). Fast forward a couple of months, I finally get to make this page because the Stampin' Royalty challenge is "family theme". I was super excited that this page is completed. I love it. I know it looks plain...but that is what I like- you focus on the family! I did stamp "love grows" which is from Unity's Love Grows stamp set. Simple and fun! I love it:}
Journaling: The O'Gwynn Family 
est. Nov. 2006
"A cord of three is not quickly broken." Ecc. 4:12b
Oh yeah--if you don't remember the story about Baby Xerxes--you can read about it HERE

Thanks so much for stopping by--I am hoping to get more cards done for tomorrow. I have so many ideas and not enough time!! I hope that you are doing well--thank you so much for all your love and support! Be blessed:}

ps...we are almost to 113!!! Can't wait to give away more Ippity stamps! 


  1. Gorgeous page. I just love how you used the tree and the sentiment. Love how you added Baby Xerxes to the family tree too. Very inspiring page.

  2. Great page, it's beautiful and love the story of Xerxes!!! What a great way to showcase your slings! I used to be a doula and used slings with my babies. Beautiful fabrics you use!

  3. Savannah... LOVE this page! Love looking at all of your cards too and getting caught up a little bit. They are all wonderful! I love love love the little flip book... too cute! And... I love your new blog header.... very cool!

  4. What an amazing idea! I absolutly LOVE this layout!!!!! I can't wait untill I have some time to sit down and creat my own familly tree :-)
    As always thanks for playing with us at Stampin' Royalty

  5. You are so right about the FAST FORWARD!! Lots of great things have happened in those 3 years. All of your talent is shining. Now with the music room done, hopefully the music will begin to shine again.:):) Love from the Oma:):)

  6. Love the page and I agree, a lot of ideas, but so little time.

  7. Great page Sav! Love how sweetly it tells the story : )

  8. Love your layout! It's terrific!

  9. Love the Tree... not sure about it having plastic in it thought????!!!

  10. I love this page. Great ideas. Thanks for playing with us at Stampin' Royalty.

  11. Great page and I love how you've been updating it too!

  12. Lovely page! The tree is such a lovely idea.


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