
12 August 2010


Hello, friends;} 

It's another challenge day over at The Play Date Cafe!! We have a fabulous Guest Designer with us this week:: Elise Durenberger!!! WOW--she has a super creative blog MAMACOW Creations! Love it--and I love that she is sharing her wonderful talent with the PDCC group:} Our sponsor this week is Memory Box!! Just love those stamps! 

This week's color story is super fun--green, tan, and beige. When I first saw this photo, I thought there were a whole bunch of tents in a row!! **NOTE:: I should probably tell you that I saw this without my contacts in! Once I put them in, I instantly saw there were camels in the pic!! And then I saw the color story--I knew I had to make something with camping. So I made this tag--LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I used my Unity Naturally You set for the graph/lined background and tree. I also used Unity's August 09 KOTM for the camper. I paper pieced each of them and made the camper 3D with foam dots. I also used glossy accents on the leaves and letters. I LOOOOOOOOOVE it! I was nervous at first--because I wasn't sure what I would put in the background or how it would turn out--but I LOVE it! I wish I would have made it two weeks earlier for a submission call! I wish you could see it in person! SO cute:}
That's it for me today...but don't worry! Go visit all these wonderful PDCC DTs!! They have some amazing and beautiful projects/cards to share today!! It amazes me all the creations they make--so different and so beautiful each week:}

Elise Durenberger {Guest Designer}
Stephanie Kraft {on vaca}
Savannah O'Gwynn {that's me!}

Don't forget::: This challenge ends on Tuesday, August 17th at 11:59pm!! I cannot wait to see what you make!!

Thanks so much for stopping by! I just love love love the PDCC! Great inspiration and amazing challenge! Be blessed!!


  1. Really love this tag, Savvy...very creative way to use these colors! And just so you know, you weren't the only one who didn't see the camels at first!

  2. Super cute tag! The paper piecing works great for the fun camper!

  3. Super AWESOME job! Love your take on these colors! I'm glad that I'm not alone loving that Glossy Accent stuff! I almost want to put it on everything (LOL)...maybe not on my dinner just yet!

  4. Love the camper, might CASE your idea this week (chuckle chuckle).

  5. {You're SO sweet! I'm glad you can't see me blushing right now! Tee Hee}

    This tag made me *GASP!* I'm completely powerless over the "artistic" form of those cutie-pie trailers! I swear, I saw a blog devoted to the REAL THING one time - they were so stinkin' CA-UUTE! Meanwhile, yours is a much less tiring way to celebrate the cuteness and possibility of adventure - in a completely inky and fun form! A-DORABLE!!! WHAT an awesome interpretation of that CRAZY-fun color swatch! Yee haw!

  6. Fantastic tag! Love the clean look and you know I am a big fan of tags so the design is wonderful too!

  7. This is adorable!! And you've kept the theme, too - you know, packing up, hauling off to somewhere rustic?!, LOL!

  8. Your tag is SO cute! I love the earthy feel of it. Great job!!!

  9. ADORABLE tag Sav! OMG, this is so cute! Your creativity never ceases to amaze me!!!

  10. This tag is just to cute. I just love this color combo and your take on this challenge.

  11. You sure put a big smile on my face with this tag, I luv it GF!

  12. LOL - I didn't see the camels either until you pointed them out - TOO FUNNY! I thought it was just a bunch of beach chairs and couldn't figure out why they were tied up to what looked like posts. Cute tag with the camper!

  13. Such a cute tag Sav! I had to look real hard at first to figure out what the photo was too. I can see the tent thing because of the little camel chairs or whatever those things are. :) Doesn't matter, you aced the challenge anyway. Hugs!

  14. Hi Savannah~

    I just think this tag is SO cute and so clever! I know that it can be just as much work to make a tag as a card! Less space to work with!

    I really noticed the leaves on the tree first. They look awesome! I didn't know that product could make such a difference. That camper is so great! I love how you put it together...and the great on so many things!

    Have a blessed day!

    He IS Able,
    Traci S.

  15. Great tag Sav... love it :) :) :) :) :)

  16. Beautiful creations!!! Love what you did on all of them.

  17. Fun, Fun, Fun, Sav! LOVE this tag and the pieced trailer is wonderful!!

  18. Your tag is so adorable, love all the elements the trailer and the tree, great job!

  19. What a gorgeous tag Sav! Love how you've paper pieced it and how you've done the little window too, it looks great!

  20. Your creations are always so fun and this one is over the top FUN!! That trailer is CUTE!!! I love how you used the glossy accents!


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