
16 September 2011

another LO

Hello, friends:}

I created another LO using some of my fav BasicGrey papers the other day. I wanted to make a page about JBD: Jelly Bean Designs. I am not really into scrapbooking (I see lots of elements and layers and stitching....stuff I'm not comfortable doing on a page yet), but I enjoy making simple this was super fun for me! I used my Urban Prairie and Sweet Theads BasicGrey papers. The photo was taken by my SIL, Candice. She stopped by our house in May, and of course, I had to work on something while she was here (deadlines!). 
I'm so blessed to have such a fun job of sharing love and creativity with others. And that is what I wanted to capture in this page. 

That's it for me today--thanks so much for stopping by! Many blessings! 


  1. AWESOME layout Sav- and I am with you, I lOVE CLEAN layouts with less fluff!!
    this rocks!!

  2. I like this, Sav -- not too many elements/layers means you don't lose sight of the photo!

  3. Such a fun page, and a great photo to capture such a moment!

  4. I love it! I think you and I would have *the* best time scrapping together!!

  5. It looks like you're a scrapper to me! Not only is the photo super cool, but the papers are so pretty!! You should absolutely do more LOs (although I don't want to miss the cards--hee hee)!

  6. i adore your sweet pages. keep them coming!


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