
02 August 2014

deep{er} #1: a background

Hello, friends:)

Today I'm sharing something a bit different...

If you follow me on Facebook, you might have seen this photo and post stating that I'm starting a new series on my blog. 
It's true. I want to go deep{er} with God, and I want to share with you what I learn. 

I'm not a biblical scholar.... or a pastor... actually, I'm just a simple gal who wants to be a faithful servant. I want to shine His light everywhere I am--- and that includes my blog.

This little series will post on Saturdays. I originally wanted to call this "Saturday Reflections" since I will be reflecting on the week's studies and what God has shared or shown me. But I've gone back to the word deep{er}. This is my 2014 One Little Word.

The Story: It started in 2013 (or actually in December of 2012)... that's when I first heard of OLW. I wondered what I could do the next year that would make a difference in my life and in others' lives. The only thing I could think of was to go DEEP into God's Word. So my OLW for 2013 was DEEP

Unfortunately, I got sidetracked and didn't go as deep as I wanted. I did start some bible studies, took notes during sermons, went to conferences, and such. But I didn't dig into God's Word like I wanted to. Things happened and hurts held me back. I kind of shut down near the end of the year. 2013 wasn't supposed to turn out the way it did. 

Time came for me to pick my new OLW for 2014. I figured that I couldn't go wrong with going deeper....and added {er} to my 2013 word. I wasn't going to give up on my previous word. It wasn't God's fault that I hadn't succeeded.... and all He wants is a relationship with me anyway.... it was a win-win for all. 

Unfortunately, 2014 didn't start the way I had planned and more hurts happened. I was in a depression at the end of 2013... and after being hit with situations that were devastating (everything seemed to be going from bad to worse to worser to worse-est).... I put God aside and really was numb from it all until just recently. I think that my OLW will be deep{er} for awhile... or at least until I finish 365 days of going deep{er}! LOL! 

Q: So why share all of this with you???? 

This is my way of holding myself accountable to my 2014 OLW. If I'm not going deep{er} into God's Word... if I'm not digging deep into the meaning of God's Word.... if I'm not studying life's instruction book (also known as the Bible)... then I can't share anything with you. So I will share weekly to hold myself accountable of going deep{er} with God. 

This is my way of shining His light into my work. 

And honestly... my goal is to become more like my role models and women in the bible that lived and breathed Jesus. I want Him to be King over ALL of my life. I've asked Him into my heart (back in college)... but there's more to a relationship with Him than just asking Him to be my Savior. I want that "more life". 

Q: So where do we go from here?

Well, this post is just the background info to my new series. Starting today, I plan on getting started on my bible studies.... and I pray that you will join me! 

My goals for this week:
  1. To pray daily and spend time getting to know God (again). I want to meditate on who He is... I need to remember He is almighty.... amazing... in charge...etc. 
  2. I also want to finish a couple of other studies before I dig deep into His Word. I want to start slow and get back on track before I dig really deep! ***Every day I do 2 studies: The Power of a Praying Wife and 3 Minute Devotions. I highly recommend both books! More on each of these studies later! These are on-going studies. I would like to finish the last three chapters of When Life Is Hard by Dr. James MacDonald. I started this as a study with a friend, but due to schedule conflicts, we never finished. I want to finish it before I start my next deep{er} study.  
I hope that you will join me again next week. I'm planning on sharing what I learn from When Life Is Hard and other devotions.... ANNNNNNNND I want to share with you our new Study Room in our house. This SR has made me super excited to dig deep! OH! I also want to share with you my new bible and how I've changed my prayer book... there are lots of things I want to tell and show you!!  

I pray that this new series and these posts on my blog bless you. I hope that we will "dig deep" with God together ❤️.

THANKS so much for stopping by today! Be blessed:}

ps... these NEW posts will NOT be this long! I just had to share a bit of my background for this first post! My hope is to just share my reflections and a bible verse each week! Nothing too lengthy :)


  1. I think this is fabulous. What a wonderful Spirit-led desire, Savannah! Lessons are learned and define us as we grow "deeper" and become the woman of God that He has called us to be. Nothing is easy in this Christian walk, hurts do happen (keep your eyes on Jesus) and we face struggles that frustrate us but know that we will mature/grow, be strengthened and established in the faith to glorify Christ. You will look back someday and see the Lord's hand orchestrating these life's lessons for our good and His glory.
    Read Malachi 3:16 and be blessed!
    Looking forward in reading your first lesson you will be sharing!! God bless. {hugs}

  2. A lovely post, I pray God will bless you above and beyond all you can imagine. I love the Stormies books and have all three in the Prayers of series. I was a very back slidden Christian but felt God speaking to me a little while ago and have responded. I am back at Church after seven plus years and feeling blessed. We are doing a series on Job at this time and how awesome it is, lots to learn about trials and suffering in it. Sorry to hear of your recent trials and I am sure by digging deeper into the Word you will find many treasures. Last week we watched the most beautiful song which can be found on youtube called Though You Slay Me by Shane and Shane........John Piper speaks during the song about trials and it has blessed me so check it out.......Hugs your way.....Lyn

  3. Thank you for sharing, I think this is a great idea and is something that I also need to do. I sometimes just skim the words and then check it off my to-do list, but I don't really gain much from skimming, I need to "feast" or dig "deeper" into the words as well. I also feel that I don't really know what God is trying to tell me or show me what to do, but I know that it's from my end that the communication is lacking. I look forward to your insights and thoughts! Happy Saturday! :)

  4. Glad to see you digging deeper. Looking forward to seeing your posts and I am trying to dig deeper also. Easier said than done isn't it! Much easier when you are being held accountable.
    Love you

  5. Thank you for opening your heart and sharing this Sav. I wish you all the best and will keep you in my prayers that God will help to guide you through this. Hugs and have a wonderful're off to a good start ;)

  6. Looking forward to reading these posts each week. Thank you for sharing and I am loving the look of the study room!

  7. Oh, hugs to you, my friend! I'm sorry to hear about the hurts and struggles you've had, but I'm very encouraged to read of your desire to serve God and to strive for a deeper relationship with Him! I'm looking forward to reading your Deep(er) posts....

  8. How awesome is that ... I love hearing and seeing peoples "growth" in God! God does amazing things in our lives !!

  9. Love this idea, Savannah! I know that our depressing experiences weren't the same, but in a way, I know exactly how you feel and find myself in the same position. I know my Bible and what it says, but I'm finding it difficult to lean in and on its promises after all the struggles. Some days are better than others, but overall, I'm not satisfied. I'm having a hard time trusting it all.

  10. what a beautiful way to share your journey. i almost teared up when i read about your hurts in 2013 and the beginning of 2014. i am so sorry, savannah, i didn't know! i think this is a wonderful way to dig 'deep'-er and (if possible!) i have even more respect and admiration for you!

  11. My dear Savannah - I'm light years behind in commenting, but know (and I believe you do) that I think of you, and send prayers your way, every day! I'm applauding your courage, initiative and ambition in sharing these very personal, very real, very sincere goals and experiences with us. Your commitment to this journey is one of healing for you, and inspiration for us. Your willingness to dig deep, and deeper, is a message that is taking hold within me right now. Placing trust in your journey of listening to God's 'directions' for you will lead to 'light.' You've spent time in the darkness, so perhaps this is a key part of the map to healing...Proud of you, sweet Savannah! You're such a gift!


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