
12 November 2014

deep{er} #14: reflections a bit late

Hello, friends:)

First of all.... THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for stopping by! 

I know that I'm late... 2 weeks late! I apologize for not posting regularly this month! I even told my friend, Miriam, that I was posting this weekend, and couldn't get it finished! OY! SO SORRY! 

UPDATE: So the main reasons that I'm posting now are:

  • Garage Sale- we had a garage sale the first weekend of Nov. OH MY! It was a lot of work, but it was AWESOME! ***TIP: I highly recommend garage sales! My tip to save time and earn lots of money is to only mark items that are of higher value and then just  post a sign (or tell everyone) that everything is a quarter unless marked! It really worked at our sale! 
  • Anniversary- Trav and I celebrated our 8th anniversary on Monday! Time flies! Since he was working Monday night, I tried to spend as much time over the weekend with him. 
  • Working Out- goooooooooodness me! Working out takes A LOT of time! LOL! 
It's just been a crazy two weeks. I even started a bible study with my friend, Courtney, but I've been unable to finish DAY 1!!!!!!!!! It's been 2 weeks! I need to make better choices so that my time is used appropriately and so I get everything done/accomplished! 

A super fun envelope came in the mail this past week from Midday Connection. I listen to Moody Radio all the time... and the Midday crew had a giveaway. I entered not even thinking about it... and then I got a package saying I won! AWESOME
I am really excited about this study on "How You Can Make  Difference For God"! I've been wondering how I can use my talents and gifts during this time of trial/new direction. Maybe I can get some answers or ideas while reading this book! 

REFLECTION: So you might be asking what I'm going to reflect on since I've been so busy!!!??!!? LOL! I did continue with some of my studies, and it's funny.... I'm still hearing or reading about PRAYER! The same theme keeps popping up. Quick reflection on "prayer"----I need to get serious about my prayer. I need to pray more... I need to pray boldly, dream God-sized dreams, and stand on my faith and not on my fears. 

I also had an interesting topic pop up about "craving". Here's what I got from the last 2 weeks about "craving". 

  • Craving- most of you know that I've been working out and trying to eat better. I've done really well (I think)... I workout 6 days a week, 3 days I complete a circuit from my trainer... I track my eating with MyFitnessPal and a FitBit... I've lost a total of 9.4 lbs (only 0.6 to go to hit my goal) and 2.5% body fat in about 2.5 months. Not bad! The only problem is that I'm always hungry! I'm CRAVING to eat sweets (which I never liked before, but now that I can't have them... I want them)... I'm CRAVING food all day long! One day last week I went over my allotted calorie intake by 1,000 calories! Not good... and wouldn't you know it, THIS study was the day's devotional! LOL! 
    • This study mentioned that I need to have discipline in my spiritual and physical diet! SOOOOOOOOOO true! I am "feasting on" my fears, worries, stress... this is the "fat-laden chocolate" of life. I know that I should be focused on God... but I'm craving the world and what it can give me. Satan has tricked me into thinking that these "foods" are good and that I will be ok if I eat from his plate daily... but I need to KNOW God's love, His forgiveness and patience. I need to "feast" on God's promises and have self-control in both in my spirit and eating habits. It's the only way I will stay healthy. 
    • The verse from this devotion says it all! Romans 7:18-20 NLT I want to do what is right, but I can't. I want to do what is good, but I don't. I don't want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. But if I do what I don't want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong--- it is sin living in me that does it. TRUE TRUE TRUE! I am making bad choices on food (and with time/spirit/etc) based on my flesh. 
    • Even more funny... I found this in Joyce Meyer's Enjoying Everyday Life November magazine: "God's already provided the total acceptance we crave, and all we need to do is receive it by faith. The craving we feel for acceptance can only be truly met in Jesus. We need to learn to believe God's Word and what it says.... MORE than what I feel." So true! Lately I've been basing a lot of what I question and crave on my feelings. I need to look at the Word and stand there in the acceptance that I have through Jesus Christ. 

My goals for this week:
  1. To slow down and have some silent time before prayer, and to pray hardest even when it's hardest to pray!
  2. Get Travis to order me the Dr. David Jeremiah Agents of Apocalypse study set (CDs, books, and study guide)!!!!!! ***UPDATE: Trav got me this series! HOOOOOORAY! He waited until the last day (Oct. 31st) and then told me to order it at 10pm! OH MY! I cannot wait to start this series with him :) 
  3. Begin and complete 2 days worth of the TW'14 Manifesto with Courtney
  4. Continue to pray/read my devotions daily  
      I pray that God has been speaking to you--- and that you are blessed beyond what you have asked or wanted ❤️. Remember, if you need prayer, please contact me {savannahland2 at comcast dot net}. 

      THANKS so much for stopping by today! Be blessed:}

      ps... I'm going to ask for prayer!!! Please pray for Trav and I as we are leading worship this weekend at New Hope Community Church on Saturday and Sunday. Please pray for good health, that our hearts would be in the right place for worship, and that the congregation would only see Jesus! We need His covering! THANK YOU

      1 comment:

      1. Sounds like things are going well, and Happy Anniversary! Will be praying for you guys for this weekend!


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