
27 December 2014

deep{er} #20: reflections

Hello, friends:) ***Giveaway details below:) 

Merry CHRISTmas!!!!! I hope you all had an amazing holiday with family and friends!! 

UPDATE/REFLECTION: I've got lots to share in this update:) I've got a couple of present pictures, working out update, and some end of the year reflections. First things first...
  1. Working Out/Training/Losing Weight- I mentioned in THIS post back in October that I started working out in July. I don't like telling people that I'm working out or watching what I eat because I feel like that's too much pressure... that I need to show that I'm making progress on day 1. But I told you because I really want this training to make a difference in my life- I want to lose some weight and eat healthier. So anyway... I was doing awesome until I hurt my ankle on the 15th of November. Despite my injury, I've continued to eat better, and I've lost almost 20 pounds! It's like 18.4 pounds! I cannot wait to get over 20!!! Here are some before and after photos (not the greatest photos, but hopefully I can get other photos soon! LOL!):
    July 26, 2014--- YIKES! 
    December 22, 2014

  2. Gifts- Since the beginning of November, I've been thinking of things I can get Travis for Christmas. We don't normally do gifts... not really sure why, but I try to do something small each year. I wanted to do the "something you wear, read, need, want"... but I just went a bit overboard and ended up with more gifts that fit the category "I want to give this to you just because!" LOL! 
    • The first gift I gave him was on the last night of Hanukkah. We saw this 3D relief map when we went to Israel and talked about getting one but came home empty handed. I might be speaking for just myself, but I'm going to say that we probably both regret not getting one of these maps while visiting Israel. And so that's why I got Trav this map!! The reason I gave it to him on the last night of Hanukkah... I can't keep secrets or presents for very long, but also because I wanted to celebrate a bit of Hanukkah! *Not sure I really celebrated Hanukkah... I still need to do a bit of research:) **Visit Touch-Israel to check out their products! 
      I think this map looks AMAZING on this little shelf:) It's the perfect spot for it-- we can still use it for studying the land and places in the Bible... plus, it's a fab decoration in our Study Room! 
      We received that beautiful Faith glass container for Christmas from our friends Sara and Craig! I think some candies will look nice in it... that's if I don't eat too many:) 

    • His second gift also had to do with Israel. In our hotel, The Dan Jerusalem, Trav and I saw some mezuzahs on the doorframe of the rooms. We chatted about how cool they were and forgot all about it... well, I'm sure Trav forgot, but I didn't:) I went searching for just the right mezuzah for our Study Room and was lucky enough to score this beautiful silver one with the city of Jerusalem design on eBay. LOOOOOOOOVE it! *I cannot wait to show you a picture of it on our Study Room frame!!! 
  3. End of the Year Reflections- I've got to say that writing these posts have been more difficult than I thought! In the past 2 years, I've been nudged a couple of times (by the Holy Spirit) that I needed to share my faith on my blog... I made excuses (i.e. I don't know what I should call this series... I don't know what to say... will I lose followers?). I still have these thoughts and questions, but inside I know that I'm just trying to share my belief and faith the best way I can through my blog--- and I think it's a success because of YOU! THANK YOU for all of your support and for stopping by my blog each week (and sometimes during the week if I'm late in posting)!!! Thank you for your prayers and for your love and support! This past year has been super tough for us... but we see the light at the end of the tunnel! HOOOOOOOORAY! Soooooooooooooo..... to celebrate the end of the year and all of my wonderful followers/friends, I thought I would have a giveaway! You have blessed me more than you know, and I thought I would share a couple of my favorite things with you!!! To enter, just follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter! If this widget isn't working, just leave a comment below:) Deadline: December 31st at 11:59pm EST. ****If you don't have a blogger account or can't leave a comment, just leave a comment on the Facebook post HERE
    Giveaway includes: a brand new CD by Stephanie Peters, a smaller version (cliff notes) of The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson, and a 365 day inspirational calendar with scripture and quotes
a Rafflecopter giveaway

And just one more thing before I go...

Travis and I have made a big decision and accepted the Worship Leader positions at the New Hope East campus in North Port, FL!!!!!!! We are super excited to work with our friend and pastor, Ramon (and his wife, Laura). We are thrilled to be serving the Lord and to be using our gifts again!!! Please pray for us as we start in January. As always, please pray for good health, that our hearts would be in the right place for worship, and that the congregation would only see Jesus! We need His covering each week! THANK YOU!

My goals for this week:
  1. Continue to pray hardest even when it's hardest to pray and get on my knees and pray!  **I guess you can never pray enough:) And I think it's never too late to pray:) 
  2. Continue with chapter 3 of the Dr. David Jeremiah Agents of Apocalypse--- Trav and I started this study two weeks ago:) LOVE it! ***We are back on track:)
  3. Pick a devotional bible or study for my daily devotions. ***I think I've found my studies! I will be doing "Today in the Word" from Moody and 2 other books! I can't wait to share more in the new year;) 
      I pray that God has been speaking to you and that your time with Him has been deep{er}! I also pray that you are blessed beyond what you have asked or wanted ❤️. Remember, if you need prayer, please contact me {savannahland2 at comcast dot net}. 

      THANKS so much for stopping by today! Be blessed:}


      1. My plans are to finish the Believing God study with Beth Moore. Congratulations with all your good news!

      2. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win these awesome gifts. I really do enjoy your Saturday posts as this prompts me more to go deeper. Also, great job on eating better, it truly shows how how you have worked:) it is challenging as I have been on this journey since October 1st and man is it hard to be good everyday, too many treats this time of year! God bless.

      3. Merry Christmas and thanks for sharing your walk which is not the easiest thing to do. Wow your looking amazing and I am drawing inspiration from you as I venture on a journey towards weighing less and being healthier so that I may serve Jesus with a stronger body :). I pray abundant blessing for you in 2015 <3

      4. Loving that map you got him and congrats on the Worship Leader positions!!!

      5. Such a wonderful post, Savannah! You look great! :) And your 'gifts' are amazing! Also, Congrats to you and Trav on becoming Worship Leaders! I'm sure it's exciting for y'all! ;) Best wishes to you in the New Year!

      6. I think you are so fabulous and such and inspiration. Truly blessed that we have crossed paths! You will meet your goals! So very happy for you. Hugs, kimmers

      7. So excited about your new church family/home/job! I know you guys are going to be amazing and that this is a huge answer to prayer!!!

      8. THANKS SO MUCH for sharing!! I can't imagine how STRONG you have had to be this past year, but I KNOW that you are one of the MOST AMAZING people I know!! I find PEACE in your post each week and although I may not always get to it each week, I try to catch up whenever I can and I have ENJOYED them!! ;) I'm GLAD you have shared them and I look forward to them in the months/year to come!! ;) I LOVE the gifts and that Map looks AWESOME!! I think it would be NEAT to have one!! THANKS AGAIN from the bottom of my heart for sharing and for being an AWESOME FRIEND!! ;) I hope you have a FABULOUS New Year's Eve Week!! ;)

      9. Interesting post, got a little confused with the Gift of the mezuzahs and talk of
        Chanukah... Although we were brought up Christian my oldest brother converted and is a Rabbi now... He has dual citizenship by having found the heritage of my grandmother (who was orphaned as a baby).

      10. Congrats on losing 18+ pounds! Great before and after pics (hey... I have a boot just like that, and mine is a right foot one! I hope I never need a pair!).

      11. What a wonderful post, Savannah! My God continue to expand your borders in 2015!! Abundant blessings to you and Travis and you are led by the Spirit!! {{HUGS}}


      THANK YOU so much for leaving a comment! Your love and support mean so much to me!

      ****PLEASE leave an email address so I can contact you! <3