
21 March 2015

deep{er} #30: reflections

Hello, friends:)

Happy Saturday! WOW! It's the middle of March-- I can't believe it! 

I hope you've had a great week and that the Lord has been opening your eyes to His marvelous Word and works [Psalm 119:18]! 

UPDATE: So again... this last week was a busy week. That's because NHE is having our Launch Sunday event! I hope that you will be able to attend--- that's if you live in the area;) Details below!!! 

Here's what else has been going on this week: 
  • Discipleship- it's going well! This week was all about an encounter with the Living Water and the woman at the well [John 4:1-26]. Quick Reflection--- I understand that the woman didn't get what Jesus was telling her (most of the time I don't understand the parables and stories)... so I think if I met Jesus at a well and he was talking to me... I think I would respond with a curious face and the words, "uh....???" And I think this especially if the situation was the same-- I was a Samaritan woman, Jesus a Jew, no one really talked to me anyway, etc. I also understand how she was looking for satisfaction (approval, love, etc) from men. And finally, I understand that we need to run to God for complete satisfaction- only God can satisfy my deepest needs and desires. We were created that way- with a longing for eternity and for God. When I was doing this study, I instantly thought of a song that I started singing last year during my trial. I printed the music and played some of it on the piano for my student J (I messed up several notes, but at least she got the idea! LOL! Check out the YouTube video below!).   My challenge for myself and for J this week: to catch ourselves when we run to things/people instead of God and when we are relying on self-sufficiency or putting hope in something/one other than God. I know when we do this, it just ends up in emptiness... so why do we do it? Our nature... we haven't put our trust in God completely... either way, I hope that we both will really find peace and satisfaction in God! 
  • The Table Event- Trav and I went to a worship conference yesterday. It was super super fun! We met and made friends with many other worship leaders/pastors in Florida--- it's great place to network! And it was such a blessing because the whole group (and individual groups) prayed for our church's launch weekend service! Took me by surprise that they were so excited about our church and this special service. Several new friends said they would be praying for us at 10am on Sunday!!! I can't even describe how that makes me feel or how good God is! He knows everything! He planned it all--- from Trav and I meeting... serving together on a worship team...going through our trial.... to getting yesterday off from work and attending this event for worship leaders. WOOOOOOOW! Thank you, Lord!!!  
REFLECTION: This week's reflection will be a bit short due to a couple of things (including a busy week and I already wrote a novel for my "quick" reflection- and I still had one more point to make but I cut it off so I didn't write too much! LOL!). 

This week's reflection is from my 3030 Challenge reading of John 2: 14-16.

***NOTE: I've really enjoyed my Bible Study lately--- I love seeing what God reveals to me through His word, but I also like reading about the places/events happening because Trav and I have been there. It reminds me of all the things we saw on our trip to Israel last year. 

So in John 2: 14-16 Jesus gets upset that the temple is being misused and turned into a marketplace. He made a whip and drove everyone out saying, "Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father's house into a market!"

This reminds me of when we went to Israel and how the area around the temple was full of stores and marketplaces. Things really haven't changed. 

And even more so in our own churches... are we going to church (the temple/God's house) with the right mindset? I know that I attended church for the longest of time because "I had to" and because that's what was expected of me. Now I am excited about Sunday. I love going to church and serving the Lord, using the gift that He gave me. I want to go to church and learn more about Him and how to give to others in our community/etc. I love the fellowship and worship/sermons. 

I'd like to challenge everyone with this question: Why do you go to church?

My goals for this week:
  1. Continue my 3030 Challenge --- I'm in the book of John and super excited about what God's going to reveal to me! Open my eyes and show me great and marvelous things in your Word!!! Psalm 119:18
  2. FINALLY (REALLY!!!!!!!!! I need to do this goal) start chapter 5 of the Dr. David Jeremiah Agents of Apocalypse *This is the chapter where Trav and I can be seen on the TV program Turning Point--- The Dragon! Check out my original post HERE. I'm giving up on this goal! Maybe if I give up, I will actually do it! LOL! UPDATE: still trying to finish this chapter! LOL! 
  3. Start praying for my NEW Women's Bible Study- Stuck! Will you join me in praying?! THANKS! It starts April 20th.  
      I pray that God has been speaking to you--- and that you are blessed beyond what you have asked or wanted ❤️. I also am praying that God would open our eyes and heart to His Will, love, and Word. May you go deep{er} with God this week! 

      Remember, if you need prayer, please contact me {savannahland2 at comcast dot net}. 

      THANKS so much for stopping by today! Be blessed:}

      ps..I am asking for prayer for our church relaunch service. NHE is having a relaunch party TOMORROW---- Sunday, March 22nd. Please pray that all the details will be handled and completed, and that our community would come out and check us out (possibly even consider NHE their home church!)! THANK YOU for lifting us up in prayer ❤️


      1. Glad the conference was fun and hoping the relaunch service goes great!

      2. AWESOME Reflection Post again this week Sav!! =) I LOVED the song!! I have never heard it before and it gave me goose bumps!! I have ALWAYS LOVED this style of Music and singing in the Choir at church!! It makes me SO HAPPY!! I too used to go to church because it was expected and that is what we DID as a Family EVERY Sunday!! In fact my dad NEVER let us miss unless we were sick!! I look back now and FEEL SO BLESSED that I had that type of leadership from him showing me that giving that time to God was the LEAST we could do for EVERYTHING that he does for us!! Now I go because I think it is IMPORTANT!! Not only for me and my relationship with God, but also for our Marriage and for our Boys!! They need to be shown/taught that it is an IMPORTANT and JOYOUS thing!! Plus, we are so VERY BLESSED with the fact that my ENTIRE Family goes to church on Sunday's so we ALL sit together!! Usually taking up two FULL Rows and then we spend the rest of the day together!! We do different things each week and it is just AWESOME!! One of the things I look forward to each week and I KNOW the rest of my Family does too!! I AGREE God is SO GOOD!! =) Beckett is getting ready to receive his First Communion on April 12th so he has been learning his prayers and practicing his Faith!! I LOVE the school he goes too and feel SO BLESSED he is able to attend it!! Extra Prayers for him would be MUCH Appreciated!! =) THANKS AGAIN for making me think and for sharing!! I ALWAYS keep you guys in my continued Prayers as well!! I HOPE YOU HAVE A FABULOUS WEEK SWEET SAV!! =)


      THANK YOU so much for leaving a comment! Your love and support mean so much to me!

      ****PLEASE leave an email address so I can contact you! <3