
31 December 2010

FWF {Dec. 31}--End of Year review...giveaway!!!

Hello, friends:} Be sure to look for RED words

Today is another fun day over at the Unity blog--it's FWF! I have so much to share with you--first, check out this great deal going on over at Unity's store! LOVE LOVE LOVE Unity sales! And be sure to stop by the Unity blog for a complete list of FWF players!

Second--here are two new creations that I made for the Unity Co-Brand challenge. I used my new Unity Bella Blvd. {Honey, I'm Home} set. I love these houses--super fun to paper piece!
Third--Happy New Year's Eve!!! I can't believe it's already 2011! WOW--time flies! Just a couple of 2010 stats for you:

I started this blog on 12.18.09 (a bit before 2010)
I created 499 cards in 2010 (I had a goal of more than 500--but you will see in the next stat how I really did make that goal)
I also created- 80 Christmas cards, 50 baby shower invites, 110 birthday invites/RSVPs/tickets, and 33 extra creations (journals, date books, ornaments), and 80 extra cards on the side. {So I really did make my goal}
I was published in 4 magazines (1 online, 3 paperback).
I have joined 3 awesome DTs!! LOVE them!
I completed 2 weeks worth of Growing In Unity {with multiple projects every day!}--LOVE my Unity!
I have had over 25 giveaways on MY BLOG--25! That's not including today's giveaway!

I have to say that 2010 was a great year for me! I do have some goals for 2011, but I will share them with you in January. I've been seeing lots of people do their Top 10 creations of 2010--but you know how much I love love love all my creations--esp. when I use my Unity stamps!! So I put as many and I could on here without overloading you! **NOTE:: you can click on any of the pics to see the original posts!
And my top 2 using Unity stamps:::: 
And finally--if you made it this far...THANKS! I appreciate all my friends and followers! I am offering up some Unity stamps that I have in my stash for a GIVEAWAY! All you have to do is leave a comment. **ONE comment per person please. **International followers--if you win, you will get a digital image instead. Unless you would like to pay shipping! This is my end of the year giveaway to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I love reading your comments--they lift me up and encourage me!

Don't forget--stop by the Unity blog for more eye candy and inspiration! You could also win some free Unity stamps if you find the blinkie!! 

Thanks again for stopping by! Happy NEW year!! May 2011 be filled with love, blessings, and lots of crafting:} Be blessed!
GIVEAWAY deets: Open to USA and Canada residents. International winners will receive a digital stamp or pay for shipping of my prize package. Giveaway ends on JAN. 3rd at noon EST. One comment per person.


  1. Congrats on such a successful year. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us in 2011! Happy New Year and thanks so much for sharing your passion for papercrafts with all of us.

  2. Ohhhhhh my, there's SO much eye candy here! I love your fave cards, since I haven't been here since the beginning. ;) Wowza! You are talented!

    Happy 2011!!!

  3. Savannah, your cards are always inspiring and I don't know how anyone could choose only a few! Love your ideas and I really love how your creations look wrapped with twine! 'Cheers' to another fantastic year of inspiration and 'FWF'!

  4. Love, Love, Love the designs of your cards. Awesome giveaway. Have a Happy New Year!

  5. WOW! Lots of eye candy and FABULOUS facts! I am BLOWN AWAY that you created over 500 CARDS!! This is such AWESOMENESS! I am loving all the top 10's!! You are soo soo soo soo talented, and I LOVE YOUR CARDS and DESIGNS!! YOU GO GIRL!

  6. Happy New Year, Savannah! Praying that God will prosper you even as your soul prospers so keep your eyes fixed on the Savior!! Wonderful creations, you are such an inspiration, it's been fun visiting and I look forward to seeing your fantastic projects in2011.

  7. Wow, you are amazing girl! FABULOUS creations!

  8. Amazing Creations you have done over the past year!! Loved them all! You have so much talent.

    I am hoping for you to be the Guest Designer in the Unity Contest~

    Happy 2011 & may you continued to be blessed!!

    Marcy H ~ MI

  9. I heart you, Sav! I'm so glad we met this year and can't wait to see what next year holds! Hugs!

  10. I like ur style a lot, Savannah. Couldnt say which of cards I love most. Get well into 2011.


  11. Happy New Year! Have a blessed new year! So many adorable cards you shared. The tag with the cute eye sign for the birthday is so sweet!

  12. Savannah, I absolutely can't believe what you have accomplished in just one year! Unbelievable! I don't think I could pick just 10 of your cards, either-I love every one of your cards, too! So glad I got the chance to "meet" you this year. <3

  13. Sav, you know I Love all your creations! Congratulations on meeting your goal of over 500!! Whoop Whoop:)

  14. Dear Savannah,

    Oeh, you have picked some wonderful cards here to show of 2010! Love that last one the most, with the gorgeous tree you created there and that birdie might be my favorite stamp ever!!!
    Thank you for doing a giveaway, would love to join in and wouldn't mind at all to pay for shipping!
    I would like to wish you an amazing new year 2011! Hope you'll have a lovely party this evening, and I'm looking very much forward in enjoying more of your creations in the new year!
    All the best! It's been lovely meeting you in 2010!

    Hugs, Wendy

  15. Sav, those are some amazing stats! I am glad you showed a bunch of cards on this post, because I am new to your blog. Your style is so fresh and whimsical; no wonder those stats are what they are!

    Looking forward to working with you at PDCC. Hugs to you!

  16. WOW! You have been one busy girl! (I definitely don't need any stamps, but wanted to pop in for a quick comment.) ;) I have my fingers crossed for you & I really LOVE your cards you submitted for the challenge! I'm so glad I got to 'meet' you this year. You're just a little ray of sunshine & always know just what to say to make my day! Many blessings to you in the new year!

  17. What a wonderful collection of cards! Love your facts! You had a successful crafty year! Here's to a great 2011!!! Happy New Year Sav!!!!

  18. Wow...almost 500 cards this year! You are a card making machine! :) Love your glad to be on the EIC team with you!

  19. Beautiful creations and what a creative year you had!
    Hope you are enjoying your day date with hubby! Mine was cut short by a sick little girl, but we did get a nice lunch in before the call from daycare!
    Happy New Year!

  20. Thanks for all of the ideas!!!! Amazing...

  21. just look at all you have accomplished this year! i know next year will open up more fun for you, savannah! LOVE the cards, as always:)

    have a great new year-be safe!

  22. fantastic as always, savannah!! happy new year to you!

  23. You make me smile! Congrats on a blessed year with your cardmaking. I totally think you should have co-branded cards highlighted at Unity's booth! God bless you wildly in 2011!

  24. So many lovely cards! Your talent is amazing! You make it look so easy. Great lovelies with sweet embellies! Happy New Year to you!

  25. Every year, you become more talented! Thanks for everything this year, Savannah! Happy 2011!

  26. Great new cards and year-in-review cards! It's so fun to read your blog and see what new things you've created.

  27. Oh my goodness, you have been busy. Just hopping by from the Unity blog - love your work!

  28. Fabulous projects, Savannah! I loved your year in review. Happy new year to you and your family!

  29. Savannah, As usual, your cards are so amazing! I look forward to seeing your blog very week:-) Happy New Year!

  30. Amazing that you made 499 cards this year! HNY! Thank you for the opportunity to win some cool Unity stamps!

  31. Beautiful! Love the hummingbird card, so sweet! Thanks for sharing!

  32. Wow! You are one UBER TALENTED girl!! LOVE LOVE LOVE your cards and I know there are more beautiful cards than you had picked! Thanks for the eye candy! HAPPY NEW YEAR, Sav!

  33. Happy New Year! WOW! You were one busy crafter in 2010! Can't wait to see all your creative and inspiring MOJO for 2011! I just enjoy all your creative goodies and I'm so blessed to have met you in cyber land and hope one day to meet you in person. Thanks for a chance at some Unity!! I just love Unity!

  34. It has been so much fun following your blog and seeing all your creations! You have a flair for the whimsical that is adorable and sweet. Thanks for sharing your creative gift with all of us!

  35. Happy 2011 girlie! What a fabulous bunch of cards you spotlighted! Adorable images and creations.... Lots of inspiration in this post..... :) And what a fabulous bit of candy you have on here! Thanks for the chance to play along.

  36. Wow!! What a year you've had...your cards are just beautiful and I can't wait to see what you'll create in 2011. TFS

  37. I'm not in for the giveaway, but my favourite is the butterfly one with the frame, and I am the PROUD owner of the original, woohoo, yay me!!!!!!! Will be worth a fortune one day lol, but I wouldn't part with it for the world coz you made it for me my dear friend! x

  38. Congratulations on meeting your goals, Savannah! I look forward to seeing just as many wonderful, inspiring projects on your blog in 2011!

  39. WOW.. Sav.. you are a ROCK STAR.. I couldn't tell you how many cards I did in 2010.. but it is alot. well my christmas orders were over 600.. and layouts I did tons of those as well.. I am with you I LOVE UNITY and you are so amazing with all their stamps.. I really think you should be a guest designer.. just sayin' Keep it up.. 2011 will be even better. love yaxx


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