
30 December 2010

PDCC #62

Hello, friends:}

We have a FRESH color story to share with you today! LOVE The Play Date Cafe color challenges--this one has been brought to us by our wonderful leader, Julie! She is mixing some fuschia, poppy, and taupe together! LOVE LOVE LOVE this inspiration photo! I did have to ask what taupe was--and Julie's response was about pantyhose! LOL! Too funny:} **NOTE:: Taupe is a light light brown/tan

I made this sympathy pocket card for a good friend. His wife recently passed away, and I thought these colors were beautiful, soothing, and uplifting just like she was! I looooooooove this frame by Tattered Angels. I glittered it up for extra texture and used by Hero Arts script stamp for the background. I love how that sentiment {Unity Encompassed Grace} peeks through the pocket. I also love love love those butterflies {Unity Happy Everything}. They are actually all different-look closely to the bottoms! CUTE! The polka dots are also a Unity stamp! I think that this card was perfect for this occasion. 

This is another creation I used (with all three colors)...I made a birthday journal with my new Suzi Blu Unity stamp {you can get one at Paper Maniac for a good price!!}. I also used my Unity cupcakes from the 6 pack essentials stamp set. I have to say that the glitter on the top (the stars) really is pink--it looks purple in the pic. The sentiment is actually on the top and bottom of the Suzi Blu stamp--I just masked it and stamped it together. LOVE how this turned out. It is super cute and perfect for a birthday gift!
That's it for me today--but stop on by the other PDCC DT members' blogs! LOVE all their creations! 

Savannah O'Gwynn {that's me!}

Stop on by The Play Date Cafe blog too--you can find all the details on this challenge. Remember it ends on Tuesday, January 4th at 11:59pm! That's 2011! 

Thanks so much for stopping by! I love sharing my creations and PDCC color stories with you! Hope you will join in the fun! Be blessed!


  1. Such beauty Sav...I really love the design work on the sympathy card and of course, Suzi Blu's designs are so adorable (Sarah and I served on a DT with her and she is such a talented girl!)

  2. Great cards, Sav! LOVE the butterfly sympathy card! Absolutely GORGEOUS!

  3. Lovely card and BEAUTIFUL design as always!!! Love the colors of this challenge!

  4. Gorgeous work once again, Miss Sav! I love your glittery cupcake fairy!

  5. Sav, two more Amazing cards! I really love the sympathy card, I like how you had the pocket:)

  6. beautiful cards, savannah! i esp love the sympathy card, but so sorry for your friend's loss. have a very happy new year:)

  7. I totally love your pocket card Savannah, what a neat design! Love that script in the "window box". Thanks for putting a name to the colours, that helps me!

  8. Hi Sav!
    Very pretty cards! Especially the first one, love the color combination there! And the cute frame and butterflies, very nice!
    Wishing you a wonderful End of the Year Party and all the best for a fabulous new year 2011!

    Hugs, Wendy

  9. Aaaahhh, such loveliness! Very pretty sympathy card-those butterflies with the pearls are scrumptious! And glittery cupcakes! Delish!! Rockin' the colors girl, rockin' the colors :D

  10. What a beautiful, sympathetic sympathy card lovely :) And your cupcake card is so cute!!!

  11. That sympathy card is in my...mmmm... top 5 or so. I would say top 2 but I added 3 cause I probably forgot at least 3 of my other favorites

  12. Fabulous butterflies! I love how they are each just a touch different. The pearls are just perfect! Thanks for sharing your talents!

  13. Lovely cards. the butterflies are a beautiful touch on your pocket card. The image on the second card is very fun.

  14. I love your color colorful and so sweet--so Sav! I think the sympathy pocket card is such a fabulous idea for this friend who had lost his better will lift his spirit and give him some needed support! Happy New Year, Sav! I look forward to (actually seeing) YOUr NEW work in 2011!

  15. Oh, Savannah! I just love every, little detail encompassing your butterfly card! Just beautiful! Your last card is soooo sweet, too!

  16. Fantastic colors to work with!! The pocket card is such a lovely design and so unexpected but touching for a sympathy card. Beautifully done, Savannah!

  17. Cupcake Fairy - I love it! I wish there were such a thing. :)

  18. Both your cards are just beautiful and so inspiring. I just love this color combo. Great layouts and love the stamps you used.

  19. LOVE the PDCC card you made! That frame is FAB! LOVE the little pocket with the sentiment!
    Happy New Year!

  20. Super sweet cards, Sav! The first, gorgeously elegant and original and the whimsical and fun! Such diversity between the two but with the same fabulous result= FABULOUSITY! Well done, my dear, you are superbly talented!


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