
31 August 2011

Gnomes into Smurfs

Hello, friends;}

It's my day over at the Sweet Stamp Shop!!! HOOOORAY! Be sure to stop by HERE and leave some love!

I decided to create with my SSS Gnomies set....but I did a spin on the images. I don't have any kids, so I can't say the movie is the greatest---but I've been seeing a LOT of commercials for the Smurf movie. Plus, I just loved the Smurf cartoon show growing up...and I was thinking that the gnomes looked like smurfs! It is a bit of a stretch, but it worked! I found the photo to the right as my inspiration. I created the card below with the sentiment "SMURFTASTIC"! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I think those gnomes smurfs are PERFECT! I used some My Mind's Eye paper along with some cardstock. Easy! And fun! Perfect for any little one:)
That's it for me today! Be sure to stop by the SSS blog!!! And don't forget to get some Sweet Stamp Shop images HERE! And if you have some extra time, please stop by our YouTube channel (I added a crafty tip video last week), our FB page, follow us on Twitter  and link up any creations you have made using SSS images on Flickr

Thanks so much for stopping by! Be blessed:}


  1. la LA la la la la, la la la la LA!!!!!!

  2. Just so darn smart! You're so creative and I love visiting here! You rock!

  3. Oeh, yes, this is absolutely Smurftastic!!! You truly smurfed this card and I had such a smurfy time looking at it! Smurf it sooo much! ;-D I have this game on my iPad and I'm totally addicted to 'working' in my Smurfs village to make it grow, hi hi! I think I will really, really miss it when I'm on vacation, ha ha!! (Pim won't, he thinks I'm crazy to be addicted to this Smurfy game so much! ;-)
    Smurfshugs, Wendy

  4. smurfilicious! Love the gnomes as smurfs, so cute!

  5. this card is, as you said, SMURFTASTIC! love it.

  6. Okay...way toooooo stinkin' cute!!!!

  7. Oh my word....I loooovvee the Smurfs. This is just so crafty clever. Love it Sav!!!

  8. Seriously? Oh my goodness gracious, this is fabulous, who would've thought of this??? Love, love, love it!

  9. LOL, I loved the Smurfs, too! McDonald's is currently giving away Smurfs in the Happy Meals but my son is not impressed with them. Too funny! I love your funny card, Sav!

  10. LOL, you are just too darn cute! I would have never thought of this, I LOVE IT!!!

  11. Absolute brilliance, Sav! Your gnome-Smurfs look perfect. Smurftastic, indeed! :D

  12. Love how your creative mind works! How FUN!! The smurf are darling! I like them on your cards WAY more than they are on the TV/movie!!


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