
30 August 2011

RCC 18- All Tied Up

Hello, friends:}

If you have not been to The Ribbon Carousel Challenge--head over there NOW!! We are starting a brand new challenge today! 

Jessica Knutsen ,owner of There She Goes Clear Stamps and Crew mate extraordinaire, wants you to break out your spooled items and use 2 or more on this week’s creation for Ribbon Carousel Challenge 18 (RCC18).

My name is Jessica Knutsen and I am the owner and designer for There She Goes. I have been with my amazing husband Matt for over seven years and we have three wonderfully crazy little girls. I have been crafting most of my life and stamping for about four years. My love of designing stamps came to me while I was looking for different tree stamp sets. I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for, so I decided to design my own. The first set that I ever designed was Branching Out. I had so much fun that I designed a few more. I was so happy with the end results, that I wanted to be able to share my stamps with others. And so begins the start of There She Goes. I hope that you will come along on this new and exciting journey with me. But be careful, things just might get a little inky...

There She Goes Clear Stamps will provide one randomly selected challenge participant with a $25 gift certificate!! Now that's a reason to participate in the challenge! I wish I could win! 

Your creation can be anything from cards, quilts, sewn items, paper crafts, paintings, anything will work!   
*** Please remember that your creation must have ribbon, bakers twine, jute twine, lace (basically anything that comes on a spool). ***

I'm so excited to share my card with you! I used the Moxie Fab square sketch challenge as my inspiration. I just loooooooove this Float My Boat image from There She Goes Clear Stamps!!! I loooooove how this card turned out--and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that paper by My Mind's Eye!
Where are the two ribbons/spool items? I used the Mango seam binding from The Ribbon Carousel and some teal floss for the sea! I LOOOOOVE how it looks! So cute:)

The RCC team would love for you to join in the fun this week! Here are the details:
  • Make your creation following the ribbon carousel challenge (sketch, inspiration, style or color) image. Be sure to include some type of ribbon, twine, hemp, lace....basically, anything that comes on a spool.
  • Load your creation up onto your blog or a public viewing forum like SplitcoastStampers, (use the keyword RCC18) with a direct link back to The RCC blog post. Including the challenge graphic isn't a requirement, but sure is appreciated! A participant of our very first challenge didn't link back or mention our challenge and couldn't be named Top Spool, so don't let that happen to you!
  • Come back to The RCC blog post and link in your creation using the Inlinkz button at the bottom of this post. Your image may take a little while to pop up but don't worry it will appear shortly.
  • Be sure to come back the Friday after the challenge ends to see if YOU are a Top Spool! :D
This Challenge will end on Sept. 5th, 2011 at 11:59pm EST.

I really hope you will play along! Please stop by the RCC blog for more details, more projects from the RCC DT, and to link up your creation! Also, please head over to The Ribbon Carousel website and check out their products--I just bought more twine!! Sooo excited for it to arrive!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Be blessed:}


  1. Hi Sav! Oeh, how cute is this! Love the papers together and the gorgeous orange ribbon!! And that squared doggie is soooo cute!! Love it!!!
    Hugs, Wendy

  2. LOVE the floss on this cute card, savannah--so clever!

  3. okay, this card could NOT get any it.

  4. Love your paper-piecing, Sav - such a cute image!!

  5. This is so cute! Love the images and the colors are awesome. Love how you used the ribbon and what a creative idea to use the teal floss. You are so creative!

  6. Oh Sav! You make me swoon! You're awesome! This is SO SO SO SO cute! Love it!

  7. Ack, total cuteness!!! LOVE that sewn wave look.

  8. Seriously, that gingham dog? Cutest dog EVER! This entire card is perfect, Sav. I have a beach card I'm in the process of making, and I think your brilliant use of twine may have to find its way onto my card! (Hope you don't mind... imitation and flattery and all... :D)

  9. How absolutely delightful is this, Sav!! I love the stitching on the water and the images are so fresh and fun! Super like! :)))

  10. This is soooo super SWEET! Love the design on this. :)

  11. Eeek, this is the cutest, Sav! I LOVE it!

  12. I enjoy the dog being plaid... It works well

  13. the striped background and paper piecing on this card are just too stinkin' cute!

  14. Hey Savannah! Thanks for linking this up to the Square Sketch challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  15. This is so adorable! Love the paper-piecing.

  16. Absolutely darling! LOVE those little, stitched waves!

  17. I LOVE THIS! It's perfect...the patterns, the texture and the images...perfect!


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