
29 August 2011

Hambo Stamps Guest Designer

Hello, friends:}

OH MY! I cannot tell you how excited I am to be the Guest Designer over at Hambo Stamps!!! I looooooove Hambo Stamps images and sentiments! They are whimsical and SUPER fun! Just look at that pig--ACK!!! Soooo fun and so adorable:) 

I was super lucky to get this possum and sentiment to create with for this post. I knew instantly that I wanted to make three different cards. For my first card, I used a sketch/card design by Teri Anderson--OH! What a fabulous designer! I used my Hambo possum image to hang in a highlighted circle with a printed sentiment below. SOOOOOO fun and super easy! LOVE it! Actually--I love that the possum is teal/gray! So cute:}
For my second card, I used a sketch/card design similar to one by someone {I honestly don't know who inspired me!}. I love the papers {Pink Paisley}! I also love how the possum was paper pieced--soooo cute and perfect for this card! This card is actually going in the mail this week--it's for Trav's Papa's birthday!! SHHH! Don't tell:)
Unfortunately, I had a huge migraine for the past two days and didn't get to finish my last card--it was girlie and super fun! I wanted to show that this possum could be PINK! Well...maybe not pink, but I did want to use him her on a girl themed card! I used my sentiment that Hambo Stamps sent me too! I will post it ASAP! I will also be posting more creations using Hambo Stamps because I just ordered a digital stamp, and I absolutely LOOOOOOOOVE this sheep image for a birthday themed creation! LOVE LOVE LOVE:)

Be sure to stop by the Hambo Stamps website HERE and their blog HERE. Super great stamps and great inspiration shared!

Thank youHambo Stamps (and my friend, Libby), for letting me join in the fun and Guest Designing for you! I've enjoyed playing with your images--and I look forward to sharing more!!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Be blessed:}


  1. these are too cute!!! love them both- can't wait to see him, um, her, in pink! :D

  2. Naww Savvy these are super cute and super fun! Sorry to hear you've been suffering again with another migraine :(

  3. Hi dear Sav!

    This is soooo cute!! There's just something with 'hanging animals' that's always super cute!! These are great!! I personally like the color scheme of the second card the best, but that's just taste. Great cards!!

    Hugs, Wendy

  4. These are just adorable and so much fun! Great set of cards and love your use of patterned paper. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  5. What fun colors, and the paper-piecing looks great! No, I wouldn't have imagined a teal possum, but you make it work! LOL Thank you SO MUCH for guest designing for Hambo today!!

  6. Both of these cards are just super sweet!! Thanks for being our guest designer, you are fabulous!

  7. Oh Savvy, these are sooooo adorable!! I love what you've done with your Hambo stamps, thanks so much for guesting! And so very sorry you were suffering from another migraine this weekend, boo! :-( Huge hugs!

  8. Such cute cards, Sav! This brings back a memory of our oldest son.....we had a Bambi book and one of the pictures was a possum hanging upside down just like this.....David always called it a "bottom" cute!

  9. Adorable cards thanks for sharing them with us.

    countrygirlin_md at yahoo dot com

  10. LOL That possum is just too darn cute. Love both of these. Will have to check ou their stamps. Congrats on your GDT spot. :)

  11. love their stamps! and your cards today, savannah! enjoy your week!

  12. What a perfect assignment for you, Sav! Congrats of your guest design post. These two possum cards are adorable! Sorry your head got in the way of the third card... it's been a bad couple of weeks, hasn't it?

  13. CONGRATS on being the GD at Hambo!! These are the MOST precious little cards EVER! No one, absolutely NO ONE does paper piecing like you!!!!! DIVINE!!

    Dear one, I pray that the Lord touches your head and heals you from the tippy top to the bottom of your toes. Blessings in Jesus' name.

  14. You sure can do magic with this possum stamp! Wonderful take o nthe sketch, too! Congrats on your guest design!! AWESOME work, Sav! I hope you are feeling better already! HUGS!

  15. I just love love love the cards. What fun stamps and love the sentiments with them. Congrats on GD at Hambo! They know talent when they see it!

  16. Great cards - I love the teal possum. Congratulations on being the guest designer - great choice by Monica and the Hambo Team.

  17. It looks as if the Hang in There guy dropped his friend??

  18. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Hambo Stamps and you sure did showcase them well! This is so adorable and I love the bright papers you chose...Super duper cute-ums!

  19. Eeek, that possum is the cutest and I love how you featured him on both cards! The tucked circles are such a cool design.


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