
06 January 2012

I'm back....with the Paper Made Bakery!!!!!!!!!

Hello, friends:}

I'm back with another Paper Made Bakery Guest Designer project--I've joined them again as a Guest Designer for the month of January!!! So excited!!! I used my PMB January kit {available HERE} to create this super simple Valentine themed card! LOOOOOVE this kit! You will too!!! 

I received my Paper Made Bakery kit a couple of weeks ago--and here is a picture of what it looks like when it comes in the mail. Super cute packaging with a nice label and description of supplies! 
My card was super simple--I love that bird image by the Sweet Stamp Shop! And I LOVE that there are LOTS of sentiments!! And you know I would love these papers in the PMB kit--I love Authentique! The color combo of this paper pad is PERFECT for just about any occasion! 
That's it for me today. Please make sure you stop by the PMB blog {HERE} and check them out on Facebook {HERE}. And get this--PMB has a Twitter page!! Be sure to follow them there too! LOVE all these ways to stay in touch with this fabulous company!! ***ETA::: HERE is a link to past kits that are on sale!! LOVE a good deal:)

And if you are in the San Diego area--there are classes available at the PMB!! Check out the schedule HERE
And don't forget about these Design Team calls going on right now---the Paper Made Bakery and the Sweet Stamp Shop are both having a call!! You can find more information about it HERE and HERE! I hope you will apply!!!! 

Thanks so much for stopping by! Be blessed:)

That's it for me today! THANK YOU for stopping by! Don't forget to stop by the Paper Made Bakery blog and leave some love there:) Be blessed! 



  1. Oh love what you've done with this kit! Love the heart! Also love that you show the kit too, super fun! :>

  2. Love love your gorgeous card! You had used the kit so beautifully! Congrats on the guest design over PMB!! You are AWESOME, girl!

  3. Hi Sav! Congrats on the guest DT spot for PMB! Isn't that a yummy kit? Love your card and can't wait to see more of your delightful cards made with the kit!

  4. I love it, Sav!!! Such a pretty idea to let the patterned paper end with the stamped line. Very, very nice!!! Gorgeous paper!!!
    Hugs, Wendy

  5. BEAUTIFUL! I loveeeeeeeeee the paper you used and loving the little heart! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  6. That kit is so fun! I adore those bitty birds and the heart. Way to go girl!

  7. Love how you cut that paper to follow the line of the wire. So cute! Thanks!

  8. This is a gorgeous card. Authetique Blissful is a wonderfully versatile collection. I am thrilled to be working with you on the Momenta DT for 2012!

  9. Oh, I just won some of these papers, but their brightness takes me a little out of my comfort zone. Seeing your beautiful card has inspired me to whip something up with them, though! TFS!

  10. pretty! Love what you've done with the kit!

  11. love the pink heart--too sweet, savannah!

  12. That is brilliant the way you've followed the line of the stamp with the patterned paper, Sav. I just love this card!

  13. awww... that's a yummy kit! love your fab card, too. super design as always!

  14. Love that paper. Love everything in yellow. Beautiful!

  15. This is my favorite card you've ever made... Not sure why but it is.

  16. looking totally awesome. The colors and use of the stamp are beyond cool.


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