
13 January 2012

Paper Made Bakery--Guest Designer 2 post1

Hello, friends:}

**Please click HERE for my Karber clear stamp set review for Sparkle Creations Rubber Stamps!

I've got another Paper Made Bakery Guest Designer project I used my PMB January kit {available HERE} to create this super simple love themed card! LOOOOOVE this kit! I love everything about it--the paper, the stamps, the ribbons...OH! You will too!!! 

I used almost one of everything from my PMB kit--the ribbon, lots of papers, the cardstock, and the gems! I just kept adding and adding more to my card! LOVE it! I used this kit to make a love themed card since the Sweet Stamp Shop stamp set that is included in this kit is perfect for this theme! **I also have to add that this stamp set is PERFECT for 15 other cards since that is how many sentiments are in this set!!! Like I said last time-- you know I would love these papers in the PMB kit--I love Authentique! **I actually cut my stamps apart for this card! GASP! I know! I couldn't believe I did that either--but it was easy and it worked out perfectly! I have to say that I just love how versatile these stamps are! 
That's it for me today. Please make sure you stop by the PMB blog {HERE} and check them out on Facebook {HERE}. And get this--PMB has a Twitter page!! Be sure to follow them there too! LOVE all these ways to stay in touch with this fabulous company!! Plus, HERE is a link to past kits that are on sale!! LOVE a good deal:)

And if you are in the San Diego area--there are classes available at the PMB!! Check out the schedule HERE
And don't forget about these Design Team calls going on right now---the Paper Made Bakery and the Sweet Stamp Shop are both having a call!! You can find more information about it HERE and HERE! I hope you will apply--both teams are AMAZING and wonderful to work with!!!! 

That's it for me today! THANK YOU for stopping by! Don't forget to stop by the Paper Made Bakery blog and leave some love there:) Be blessed! 



  1. Fabulous creation, love how you fussy cut out the birds at the top and who doesn't love Authentique paper?

  2. Wow! Love the color combo and the fabulous stamping! Gorgeous card! :)

  3. LOVE this Sav! I adore the top edge of the patterned paper where you cut around the birds on the wire. So clever!

  4. this is soooooooooo fab. I really adore all the yellow. happy friday!

  5. Soooooooo GORGEOUS! I loveeeeeeeeeee the colors and the birds! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  6. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!! LOVE all that bright sunny yellow!!!

  7. This is really pretty. I love the yellow and grey and those birds are fabulous.

  8. You cut apart your stamp??? You're so brave. :) Worth it for this gorgeous card.

  9. So I'm loving this card. I love the fussy cut of the birds and the pearls are beautiful.

  10. gorgeous paper really highlights the stamping, love it!

  11. i love, love, love how you trimmed the birds on the line at the top. LOVE!

  12. Totally FAB, I love the color! I saw this color combo and have been wanting to try... ok, now I sure have to... LOL!

  13. Oh, my gracious! Cutting those little birds must've taken you hours! But what an impact they make on the overall design! Delish!


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