
12 January 2012

Paper Smooches SPARKS challenge {1.12- 1.25} post3

Hello, friends:} 

**Please click HERE or scroll down for my Sparkle Creations Rubber Stamps NEW release post!
**Please click HERE or scroll down for my Play Date Cafe challenge card and post! 

Today we start another photo inspired challenge over at Paper Smooches SPARKS blog. 

I had to think for some time on what to make for this inspirational photo--I had so many ideas running through my mind! For my first card, I was inspired by the polka dots and reminded me of when I was sick a couple of weeks ago {I had spots on my throat and was sick in bed}. I created this super cute Feel Better card using some Crate Papers, vintage seam binding (available HERE from The Ribbon Carousel), and SEVERAL Paper Smooches stamp sets-- Hot Concoctions, Alphadot, FOLKal Points, My Peeps, and Chit Chat. ***I cannot believe that after I made this card, I found one of Kim's old CHC images---it looks just like this chicken in the cup! OH MY! I do LOOOOOOOOVE this card though! 

For my second card...I was inspired by the colors red/green. It made me think of Christmas! I know!!!!!!!!!! What was I thinking--however, at least I have one card done for this year!!! I used lots of scrap papers in my bin (another bonus-using up the scraps!). The images are from the Paper Smooches set Swanky Snowdudes. I love the simplicity of this card--and I LOVE that I'm one Christmas card down! And it's only January!!! I'm also entering this into the Paper Crafts January challenge {Winter Inspired}.
That's it for me today--but be sure to stop by the other Paper Smooches SPARKS DT members' blogs and leave them some love

And don't forget to stop by the Paper Smooches SPARKS blog for more details. This challenge ends January 25th. I cannot wait to see what you make!!!

THANKS so much for stopping by! Be blessed:}


  1. Swoon, I'd never be able to pull off that many patterns, and look at your getting a jump start on 2012 holiday cards, woo too!

  2. Lots of posts today! I have to say my favorite is the first one here, love the 'chicken soup'! So clever!

  3. Aw, both cards are so cute & fun, Sav! You're on a roll! :)

  4. Ahh, the comments are open again, yay! that chicken soup, the glittery scarf on the snowman, and this pretty snowman card for PDCC. All such cute projects!!

  5. Bahhaaa! Love that first card Sav! So so cute, what a clever idea! Both of your cards are adorable!

  6. how cute...I love the little bird with the fun...

  7. Both of these are just downright adorable! I had trouble commenting this morning too, glad that it is back up again!

  8. i just love these, savannah! the chicken soup is too adorable!

  9. Both these cards are so much fun! And I've decided the earlier you start Christmas cards, the better! :P

  10. OMYGOSH!!! These are soooooooo cute cute cute! LOVING that little chick!! And about adding your phone number to your blog.... you most likely have the new blog interface (if it has a mostly white screen then that's what it is.....) what you have to do is look for a gear looking icon on the right... click on that and you should see "edit settings" or something similar to that :) Then when you get on that screen you will see "My Account" on the top like I showed on my blog and follow my steps from there! Hope this helps! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  11. These are so lovely, Sav! That new PS set is so lovely! Perfect in these winter times here, when one after the other catches a cold... Love your cards! I'm curious, do you have all the Paper Smooches sets that exist? hi hi, or still some on the wishlist?

    Did you receive my email with the Pti question? Are you too busy at the moment, or would it be okay? Please tell me honestly, no worries!

    Anything planned for the weekend? I'll visit my friend, with a 8 months old son, that'll be fun! He has such adorable big eyes!!! Wishing you a lovely weekend!

    Hugs! Wendy

  12. I'm smiling cause these are sooo cute!

  13. Haha - I love this... that poor chicken, but for some reason I can't stop laughing, great expression! Also, I love the concept of this card... soup and feeling better always go together. (I didn't mean for that to rhyme.)

  14. Ha! Chicken soup... you are a nut! Love it!!!


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