
04 May 2012

Paper Made Bakery sneak peek

Hello, friends:}

It's my day to share a project over on the Paper Made Bakery blog!!! I hope you stop by the PMB today to see my project. I've created a beautiful sympathy card using the new May kit 

I used the Paper Made Bakery May kit, Portobello Road, for my projects! Be sure to pick up your May kit HERE! Here's a sneak of my card:)
THANKS so much for stopping by here and the PMB HERE to check out my project! Be blessed:}


  1. GREAT card over at PMB today! Those kinds of cards are so hard to do and you really pulled it off! And thanks for all your comments the other day! It must've been my day - and now I get to wait for all sorts of happy mail!

  2. I was just over there and your card is GORGEOUS!! Amazing work dear!

  3. Fab card, Sav -- that paper is gorgeous, isn't it?

  4. This is a beautiful card Sav! Thanks for starting off our month of beautiful shabby chic and Portobello Road...


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