
03 May 2012

PDCC #130

Hello, friends:} 
We are starting another color story today over on the  Play Date Cafe blog! This week's colors are dolphin, salmon, sea glass. 
I pulled out my October Afternoon papers for this card--they are vintage and shabby (something totally different for me!). I wanted to make a special card for a friend. The dolphin color can be seen in the polka dots and brads (even the gem brad!). The sentiment and glasses are from my Unity Stamp collection. This was a simple card--LOVE that! And I think this is a great card for the Spectacular Spectacles challenge over at the Moxie Fab World. I embossed the glasses on a transparency--one of my fav ways to make the glasses pop.
That's it for me....but be sure to stop by the PDCC blog for complete details and prize information! The prize is from the PDCC prize vault!! HOOOORAY:) Today is Donna's first week with us--WELCOME, Donna!!  Be sure to stop by the entire PDCC DTs' blogs for more inspiration!!! Be sure to link up your creations by Tuesday, May 8th at 11:59pm EST

Thanks for stopping by! Be blessed:}


  1. Loveeeeeeeeeee the colors this week and love love love your card! LOVING the sentiment ....and those glasses are the BEST!!

  2. OH LOVE!!! I want this card for my own so I can hang it up and look at it all day. It's that cool!!!
    Totally going to try and play. The colors are too cute!!!

  3. Another fabulous card Savannah - I so love your use of papers :)

  4. This absolutely rocks! VERY effective use of colors for this design! LOVE it, Sav!

  5. Love how you used the colors Savannah! This is such a fun card with the glasses and uplifting sentiment! Great papers too!

  6. I'm so impressed with those glasses Savannah! Such a great card.

  7. Savannah, this is just too CUTE for words! LOVE the specs and your papers - especially the polka dots and LOVE the sentiment and how you stamped it on the two different patterned papers! REALLY FAB card!

  8. Your colors, polka dots and those retro glasses give your fun card a 50's feel Savannah! CUTE ;)

  9. Cute glasses (just got a new stamp set with glasses!! Can't wait to ink them up!) and fun design! Great color scheme this week!

  10. Those glasses look so realistic! Awesome card, Sav.

  11. Oh, those glasses are ADORABLE, Savannah! Brilliant! And your papers are perfect for this color story!

  12. Those glasses are just priceless!!

  13. Just brilliant Savannah. What a gorgeous colour palette to play with, yum! I thought they were actually little plastic glasses, until I read that you stamped onto a transperency. They really do pop! A beautiful card.

  14. Adorable card, love those glasses and the sentiment.

  15. I love those glasses, and this is such a cute card!!

  16. SO fun Savvy! I love how you've done the glasses, must try that sometime! Thanks for your sweet comments about my colouring, made my day :o)

  17. eeeeeeeek! adore those amazing glasses and such a perfect sentiment to match.

  18. Clever trick with the glasses! You always come up with the neatest cards, Sav. I love your fun style!

  19. I LOOOOOVE the retro feel of this card. :)

  20. Great card! Love those glasses...

  21. Lovely card! I love those glasses and the sentiment fits perfectly!


  22. LOVE your card!! THANKS for sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEKEND!! =)

  23. Hey Savannah! Thanks again for linking up to the Spectacular Spectacles challenge in the Moxie Fab World! :)

  24. So cool, Sav! love the colors and all the yummy details. Plus, those glasses look so real!

  25. This is adorable! Love the colors! Great job with the Moxie Fab Spectacular Spectacles challenge!!


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