
10 November 2012

Mama Elephant sneak peeks

Hello, friends:}
I know my post title says "sneak peeks"....but I can't share mine yet!!! You have to stop by the Mama Elephant blog for the peeks! You are going to love this month's stamp sets!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE each one:)

Be sure to stop by HERE to check it out! And stop by the ME Facebook page and become a fan!!

That's it for me today. I'll be back starting tomorrow with a new ME creation for four days!!! Can't wait to show you!!! **New ME Stamps will be available on 11/15 at 9pm EST!!! 

Thanks for stopping by! Be blessed:}
ps...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Trav!!! I cannot believe 6 years have passed since our vows--feels like yesterday! I think back on events-- how I moved to FL without knowing a soul....began singing at church....was sent to help out our "sister-church"....met you....began to date you....and finally our wedding and new life together-- and with all of these thoughts, the only thing that comes to mind is that GOD ORCHESTRATED IT ALL!!!! Praise the Lord!!! I love you! THANKS for loving me and for making the past 6 years AMAZING! Here's to 100+ more years of wedded bliss:} Ecc. 4:12b


  1. aw!!!! beautiful picture!! (and also, hilarious picture!! ha ha!) congratulations on your wedding anniversary!!!!! :) <3

  2. You are the best... That's all I can say. I can't believe I found someone as awesome as you :)

  3. You are the best... That's all I can say. I can't believe I found someone as awesome as you :)

  4. Happy anniversary! Looks like you had a blast at the wedding :) And the ceremony was beautiful! I just checked out the sneak peeks...very cute!

  5. Oh... so sweet, love the pics thanks for sharing!! Happy Anniversary and may God continue to bless your lives together. Love to see how the Lord orchestrates everything for our good and His glory!! {sweet hugs to you both}

  6. Happy Anniversary!!! GREAT photos! Hope you guys do something really fun today!

  7. Happy Anniversary Savannah and big hugs :)

  8. This is adorable Savannah! Congrats on your anniversary!!

  9. Happy ANNIVERSARY!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee that second photo!!!!!!

  10. Happy anniversary Sav! Love the "stash" pic :)

    Sorry I am such a lame blog friend :( I really hope all is well. Take care :)

  11. Happy Anniversary Savannah~such a blessing indeed! Love the 'stache photo by the way...hee hee

  12. Happy, happy anniversary to you and your hubby! Love the wedding pics!

  13. Happy anniversary, girlie! What a cute couple!

  14. OMGOSH that is such an amazing story about God bringing the two of you together! Thanks for sharing the story and the pics!


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