
06 November 2012

Whisker Graphics Thank You Gift Bags (using spray paint)

Hello, friends:}

Today I'm sharing my Whisker Graphics creation that is featured on the WG blog-- you can also read about this creation over on the WG blog HERE.

I absolutely LOOOOOOOOOVE the Whisker Graphics bitty bags. **NOTE:: This probably isn't "news" to you because I say this all the time!! I used some of the white and glassine bags for this project.

My project is a "thank you" gift bag for our Pastors; October is Pastor Appreciation Month. OK....I'm a bit behind! But November is a month of "thanksgiving" so I thought this project would be perfect to share! And it's perfect for the typography Paper Smooches SPARKS challenge. 

I tried a new technique with my WG bitty bags--- spray painting them! It worked out PERFECTLY! I love how the neon yellow looks with both bags (esp. that white!!!). I used several Paper Smooches stamps {Word Salad, Chit Chat, Hope} for decoration.
Here's a few tips for spray painting and stamping on these bags:

Spray Painting
  • Be sure to mask off the sections well
  • Be sure there are no bubbles in the masking tape--press hard!
  • If you use some of the white bitty bags--try to "unstick" the painters tape a bit before putting it on the bags (it rips the bags if it's a fresh piece of tape). **I put the tape on my arms and legs to "unstick" it.
  • Let paint dry completely before applying second coat
Stamping (mostly for the glassine bags)
  • Inks--I tried several inks, but my Memories Dye ink worked best!
  • Try to not move the stamps--glassine bags are slippery and when the stamps move it causes a second image or smeared sentiment (like mine!!! I had to make 4 of these bags! It was so hard to have a steady hand! LOL!).
  • Let ink dry or spray images/bag with Workable Fixatif to set the ink and prevent further smudging! 
Here's one of the bags filled with mints--the sentiment inside the card says "Thanks for your commit-'mint'!!!" 
That's it for me today! You can see more of my creations using WG products HEREHERE, and HERE!! And be sure to stop by the Whisker Graphics blog for more inspiration. And stop by their shop too!! 

Thanks for stopping by! Be blessed:}


  1. the paint looks great! a very cool technique!

  2. These are ADORABLE!! I loveeeeeeeeeee the mustaches!!!!

  3. wow this is that bright yellow..thanks for the ink tip..I was wondering how you stamped on it..

  4. Love how bright and bold these are! I can totally see them in red and green for Christmas too!

  5. Oh wow! Love this graphic design. Eye-popping!

  6. Love the bright yellow bag! Sorry that the card went missing during the travelling!This was the card which I made for you

  7. Oh cool! That's an amazing bright yellow!! Love it! Love the open font of the Thanks! Gosh... have to put that set back on the wishlist again, hi hi!
    Hugs, Wendy

    P.S. Is it okay if I order Pti via you again this month?

  8. These look so vibrant and unique~very very cool!

  9. As The Lord lives, no more spray painting in the house ;)


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