
16 December 2013

Happy Birthday, CAROL!!! {a special blog hop}

Hello, friends:}

I was asked to join in a VERY special blog hop celebrating Carol's birthday! Happy birthday, Carol!!!!!! **Please click HERE for the entire list of blogs!!! Several of my crafty friends are joining in this hop!!! HOOOOOOORAY:) 

Since we are celebrating Carol, I thought I would use some of the reasons I love Carol for my card design. 

  1. Carol is one of my FAV friends- so I'm using some of my FAV papers (Heidi Swapp Serendipity).
  2. Carol leaves so many comments on my blog/Virtual Smooches blog/etc- so I'm using my favorite stamps and dies by Paper Smooches
  3. I love that Carol joins in the fun with the Paper Smooches SPARKS challenge- so I'm entering this card in this week's challenge (ANYTHING GOES)!!! 
  4. I love that I have an "international" friend!! Right now it's snowing up there- so I thought I would create a neon and bright card (to represent the weather here in FL!)!! 
There's so much more that I love about Carol... but I didn't want you to miss out on her card! LOL! I used some pretty diagonal glittered paper for the background and then paper pieced a cupcake from the PS Hullabaloo stamp set. **NOTE: Carol, I hope that you like cupcakes! LOL! I created elements by die cutting a vellum flag/banner- LOOOOVE! Other dies I used include PS Word Bubbles and Hearts
You can't see it-- but the vellum banner goes above the card! LOVE it! 
Tsukinkeo: VersaMark, Memento Luxe: Wedding Dress, Espresso Truffle
Imagine CraftsIridescent embossing powder

That's it for me today! Carol, I hope that you have a fabulous birthday! Celebrate you and eat some cake for us:) Psalm 118:24 Love you TONS!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Your comments and love/support mean so much to me! Have a blessed day:)


  1. So bright and lovely and colorfully sweet!!! Just like Miss Carol!!!!

    She will think it is totally Adorbs too!!!

  2. WOW,i love this one!! Love the stripes,the cute cupcake and the speech bubble!! Carol will adore this card!!!

  3. What a SWEET card you made for our sweet friend Miss Carol!!! That cupcake with that speech bubble and the patterned paper - wa wa wa wa wow! The colours are so soft and so fabulous!!!

  4. Love the shimmer of this pretty card! Carol will love it too!

  5. What a wonderful tribute to Carol, Savannah ... and such a gorgeous card, full of ice cream colours and the most delicious wee cupcake ... she'll be so delighted! Anita :)

  6. So cute Sav!! Love the vellum over the stripes and your cute cupcake!

  7. That sweet cupcake looks good enough to eat, Sav, as does the vellum and the card itself!! I'm seriously drooling over it and I know Carol will be, too!! Hugs, Darnell

  8. Svannah, I loooooooove everything about this post. The love you have for me I'm reflecting back to you! From the first time I saw your posts, then through to your cards, on to your VS projects, further on to your comments on my blog and our other notes/messages, I knew that our paths were 'meant' to cross, and join! I've said this before, but it bears repeating: you truly are a gift from God! Be it your cheerful posts, your stunning cards, your messages and photos, your engaging, illuminating videos: you are a gift! You bring me joy, inspiration, encouragement, new perspective and a smile, every single day! Yes indeed, Savannah, I truly do looooove you!! And speaking of love: eeeeeee!!! How awesome and darling is this sweet card! Cupcakes *arms waving wildly, cheering the cupcake* LOVE cupcakes and this little cutie patootie is simply perfect! The whole combination (adding that bright, cheer dp to my list!)...swooon!! I'm ecstatic you joined this party; you sharing in this celebration during a most hectic, busy time of year, has made 'fabulous and awesome,' (that Bev - she is just so sweet, like you!) even more fabulous and awesome! Sooo glad you're in my life, Savannah, and I hope you'll be in it for a long, long time to come! wishes for an outstanding, special day - as outstanding and special as you've made mine! Hugs X Hugs~c

  9. What an adorable card Savannah! I just checked out Carol's blog (new to me. How did I miss hers?!) and subscribed. Yay! Another blog to stalk, ahem, I mean visit! LOL!

  10. Soooooooo cute!! I love love love the cupcake!!!!!

  11. Awww!! So cute and pretty! Love the colors in that paper collection!!

  12. Savannah, what a pretty card and what sweet things to say about your friend!! Blessings to you!

  13. Such a wonderful tribute to such a wonderful person. Your card is just so sweet too. :)

  14. Now THIS is a 'happy' birthday card! Such warm, fun colors, and a cupcake...perfect! I knew she'd be delighted with this as soon as I saw it! So glad you were a part of this celebration; thanks so much! Bev

  15. Savannah this is a gorgeous card!!! The colors are brilliant! And that vellum banner has stolen my heart!! (I am having a love affair with vellum right now and can't seem to stop using it!! Ha!) that sweet little cupcake is adorable!!! LOVE this!!


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