
15 December 2013

Paper Smooches SPARKS Anything Goes wk3 challenge

Hello, friends:}
Today we start another weekly challenge over at Paper Smooches SPARKS blog!! This week is another ANYTHING GOES challenge. EASIEST challenge EVER!
I'm sharing a reject card today. I know why it wasn't a winner... it's the hands and shoes.... but I still love the idea! I've thought that maybe I could CASE this and redo it to make it better!?! LOL! I'll keep you posted:)

I used some of my old Doodlebug Christmas papers for this card. I love how that background paper looks like it's snowing for real! LOL! I wanted to design a person carrying an oversized shopping bag full of goodies. So I paired the shoes from the Paper Smooches Retail Therapy set with the gloves in the Warm Hearts set. Then I added a shopping bag (created using the PS Shopping Bag die!! LOVE!) and stamped my custom sentiment using the Market Fresh, Christmas Sampler, and Merry Motifs stamp sets. LOOOVE x10000000 :) This is def. perfect for someone who is very hard to buy for! LOL! 
I created the reverse image of the shoe by using the PS Dude block!
That's it for me today--but be sure to stop by the other Paper Smooches SPARKS DT members' blogs and leave them some love
And don't forget to stop by the Paper Smooches SPARKS blog for more details. This challenge ends December 21st. I cannot wait to see what you make--I actually can't wait to see what you are inspired by in this photo!!

THANKS so much for stopping by! Be blessed:} 


  1. Well I think whoever didn't pick this up missed the boat because it is fun, awesome and just so brilliant! What a totally creative idea!!! I'm really really going to try and play this week!!

  2. Soooooooo cute cute cute! I loveeeeeee the mittens and the feet!!!!!

  3. I think your card is a winner! LOVE the legs and mittens; perfect gift card holder! Unique, special and just down-right "pure Savannah" creative! Amazing, inspiring and fabulous x 1000000000! Hugs~c

  4. What a fun idea, I love the colorful shopping bag!!

  5. This is absolutely brilliant Savannah. It is so frustrating trying to guess why some amazing cards are not picked for publication and some terrible cards are. SMH. You just keep doing what you do: making awesome cards!

  6. Sav, I LOVE this! Combining the shopping bag die with those boots and mittens is just genius!

  7. Such a fun gift card holder, Savannah!

  8. You must never sleep, thinking of these great designs. This is so creative - I love your whimsey! Pure genius and lots of fun, Savannah.

  9. So cute! That is a big bag and I want what is in it! ha ha!

  10. You are so clever! This card is totally fabulous!

  11. Ha ha! This one is totally brilliant, Sav!!! It truly describes the holiday season as well, hi hi, people with huuuuge bags! :) Love the humor here!! Great card!!!
    Hugs, Wendy


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