30 November 2014

Paper Smooches SPARKS November Anything Goes (wk5) challenge

Hello, friends:}
Today we start another weekly challenge over at Paper Smooches SPARKS blog!! Another Anything Goes challenge starts today!   
That's right--you get to create ANYTHING you want (as long as you use Paper Smooches stamps)!! This is the BEST challenge ever!!!

I saw a Christmas napkin a year ago that had this sentiment on it, and I knew that I wanted to recreate it using my Paper Smooches stamps/dies! I've waited a year to make this card! LOL! I guess I could have made it earlier in the year! LOL! 

I used some washi tape along with the PS Chubby Chums stamp set along with the Chums, Christmas Words, Hats, and Alphawhimsy dies. I actually fussy cut part of the sentiment dies from the Christmas Words set to make the "ry" of "moo-ry"! LOVE it! 
That's it for me today--but be sure to stop by the other Paper Smooches SPARKS DT members' blogs and leave them some love

And don't forget to stop by the Paper Smooches SPARKS blog for more details. This challenge ends December 6th. Hope you join in the fun--- this is the EASIEST challenge ever!!!!!!!!

THANKS so much for stopping by! Be blessed:}

29 November 2014

deep{er} #16: reflections

Hello, friends:)

I'm so thankful that you've stopped by to reflect with me! 

OH! That reminds me--- I hope you had a FABULOUS Thanksgiving full of love, time with family/friends, and blessings! 

UPDATE: THANK YOU x100000 for your prayers for my ankle. I don't have any new news.... well, I did kind of have a "gravity attack" on Friday night. I fell off my knee scooter (don't ask me how) and hurt my left knee, my left elbow, both wrists, and back. OUCH! Other than that, I'm doing good:) 

Last week I shared a confession and reflection. I received lots of feedback, most of it positive. Let me comment quickly: 
  • I read each comment, and I take each to heart. I appreciate you taking the time to leave some love and comment! THANK YOU! I'm blown away by all the love I received last week (and previous weeks)---- I thank the Lord for you [Philippians 1:3]!! 
  • I share "reflections" and "confessions" because I want to go deep{er} with God. These topics and reflections are deep for me--- I share some personal stuff. I'm not sharing because I'm pointing out something in someone else or trying to condemn you. I share because I want to allow God to reveal in my heart how I need to deal with sin/a situation/move on/etc. 
  • These posts are not pointed directly at anyone. I am not hoping someone specific will read it and then respond. I'm not doing these reflections (esp. last week's post) because I want a response. I write and share because it's on my heart that I have bitter roots inside. I know that these roots have grown because of lack of care/love from friends and even from those who told us we were "part of the family". The last year has been one of the hardest times of my life- who wants to go through that alone? And so I am crying out to God... not so that someone will respond. *When I say respond, I mean send me a message and say they "miss me"/etc. While that is great to hear, I don't write so that is the response.
  • Unfortunately, Trav and I have been hurt. It really sucks that we gave and served until our hearts bled and cried. This pain is very recent-- it hasn't been a year yet, but close. And it really sucks that we didn't get a call or email from 99% of those we cared about... but not all is lost! I'm not sure I was clear in my last post, but we have learned some lessons: 
    • We know who our true friends are and how to evaluate friendships, as well as what to look for in friends.
    • We know we can't rely on people... we need to rely MORE on God. 
So... hopefully this makes more sense! I pray that God will use my posts and reflections to help us all grow deep{er}.  

REFLECTION: Ok.... so this week I started reading The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson (THANKS, Tina, for letting me borrow your book! I'm almost done!). OH MY! What a good book! I have been wanting to do a prayer study... and this is really getting into prayer, circling those prayers and promises in the Bible, and dreaming big.

Two things stuck out during my reading this week: 

  1. Matthew 17:24-27 is the story about Jesus telling Peter that when he goes out to fish he will find money in the fish's mouth to pay for the taxes. Batterson brought up a great point about why Jesus would tell Peter to go find money in a fish's mouth. Peter knew how to fish- he'd been doing it all his life. So Jesus probably told Peter to "go fish" to see if Peter trusted him in the "realm where Peter had the greatest professional proficiency and self sufficiency (fishing)" pg 120,121
    • Question: Where do I think I need God the least? Where do I think I know it all? Maybe that is where God wants me to trust Him so He can do something beyond my ability! 
    • It makes me wonder... Do I think I know it all when it comes to worship? Or is this God doing something beyond my ability... taking me out of a place to put me somewhere where He is going to knock my socks off?
    • Either way, I need to obey God and His promptings because I don't want to miss out on Him blessing me beyond my ability.
  2. Prayer Postures- I've never really been "on my knees" in prayer. Growing up, Dad would stand at the bottom of the stairs to pray with us as we lay in bed. Trav and I pray before meals (sitting at the table) and sometimes standing in a room or on stage. Batterson says that kneeling isn't magical, but it's biblical. SO TRUE! 
    • So I ask myself, Why won't you humble yourself and get on your knees? The answer (at this moment in my life) is because I can't get up with this boot! LOL!
    • Reading about 'Prayer Postures' in the book makes me want to get really serious about how I want to take my prayers to the next level. It's not that God will hear me better or answer my prayers quicker if I'm on my knees. I just want to honor God with my prayers. I also want to get deep{er} with my prayers. ***I've been saying that in my goals for weeks! I think that if I get on my knees that will take me deep{er}! 
I cannot wait to read the last couple chapters in this book! I already have an idea of a scrapbook page I want to do that will share which prayers and promises in the Bible I will be circling. Which makes me think of one more reflection- my prayers are selfish in nature. I usually ask for help and healing for family, friends, Trav/I... and that's ok, but I want to go deep{er}. I don't want to stop praying until it is answered--- even if that is 10 years from now! I want to pray through so I can see God come through! I don't want to pray and pray and then give up... I will circle my prayers and requests like Joshua did around Jericho [Joshua 6]. I give up too soon... I'm going to pray circles around my dreams, prayer requests, and promises in the Bible! I cannot wait to show you this scrapbook page;) *** I bet it will take me at least 2 months to start on it! LOL! I will def. show you once I finish it:) 

My goals for this week:
  1. Pray hardest even when it's hardest to pray and get on my knees and pray!  
  2. Continue with chapter 2 of the Dr. David Jeremiah Agents of Apocalypse--- Trav and I started this study last week:) LOVE it! 
  3. Continue to pray/read my devotions daily  
      I pray that God has been speaking to you--- and that you are blessed beyond what you have asked or wanted ❤️. Remember, if you need prayer, please contact me {savannahland2 at comcast dot net}. 

      THANKS so much for stopping by today! Be blessed:}

      ps... I'm going to ask for MORE prayers!!! Please pray for Trav and I as we are leading worship today and tomorrow at New Hope Community Church. We are also leading worship next weekend at New Hope East on the 7th! Please pray for good health, that our hearts would be in the right place for worship, and that the congregation would only see Jesus! We need His covering! THANK YOU

      Virtual Smooches: November RECAP

      Hello, friends:}

      I've been sharing my Virtual Smooches videos over on the VS blog with just sneak peeks here...so I created a post with all of my November videos and creations-- just in case you've missed any! **NOTE:: Thursdays are my video days on the VS blog. Mark that in your calendar! 

      ***Be sure to change your settings to HD before watching! THANKS:) 

      November 4: Die Cutting Leaves (Whisker Graphics feature)

      PS dies: Hearts 

      November 20: PS + Project Life

      PS stamps: AlphadotPS dies: AmpersandsAlways & Forever, and Documented

      November 24: 25 Days of Christmas Tags

      PS stamps: Swanky Snowdudes and Fresh SnowPS dies: Large Snowflakes  

      November 25: Nathan Tasker + Squirrelfest challenge

      PS stamps: Fanciful FallPS dies: Fanciful Fall Icons and Ovals 1  

      That's it for me today-- be sure to stop by the Virtual Smooches blog for more inspiration! And don't forget to stop by the Paper Smooches SPARKS blog for challenges and a chance to win a Paper Smooches gift certificate! 

      Thanks so much for stopping by! Be blessed:}

      25 November 2014

      Virtual Smooches: Nathan Tasker + Squirrelfest challenge

      Hello, friends:}

      Today is my day to share a video I'm over on the  Paper Smooches video blog- Virtual Smooches! I know I'm early... but I need to link up my creation to Em's Squirrelfest challenge before the deadline:) 

      When I saw her challenge, I knew I had to play along! 

      Here's a sneak peek of my video:

      THANKS so much for stopping by--- be sure to go HERE for my video! Be blessed:}

      24 November 2014

      25 Days of Christmas Tags ***GIVEAWAY

      Hello, friends:) 

      ***GIVEAWAY details below:) There are several giveaways!

      Today I'm joining in the fun with my friend Tracey and sharing a Christmas tag for the 25 Days of Christmas Tags hop! Details for another giveaway with AWESOME prizes can be found on her blog as well! Click HERE to enter to win!

      I've created a video sharing how I made these super CAS mitten tags using Paper Smooches stamps and dies! Sometimes you only have time for something quick--- well this project is perfect for that time crunch situation!! And you only need one stamp and one die! LOVE it:) 
      ***Be sure to change your settings to HD before watching! THANKS:) 

      I love how you can vary the design just by adding a bit of twine, metallic paper, vellum sentiment, or embossing paste! LOVE x100000! 
      Giveaway details: all you have to do is enter through this Rafflecopter! Deadline: Nov. 27th at 12:00am EST. ***If the Rafflecopter isn't working--- just leave a comment below to enter to win:) 

      Thanks so much for stopping by! Be blessed:) 

      23 November 2014

      Paper Smooches SPARKS November Designer Drafts challenge

      Hello, friends:}

      Today we start another weekly challenge over at Paper Smooches SPARKS blog!! This week we are sharing a DESIGNER DRAFT challenge. 

      This week we are inspired by the following sketch:
      **Sentiments can be placed anywhere on the sketch.

      Ok---so I think I'm on a roll!!!!!!!!! I'm following sketches like NEVER before! LOL! I think I followed this sketch 88%! That's WAY more than EVER before! The only changes I made were moving the sentiment (which is allowed! LOL!) and making the squares into fruit. The banner on the top piece are the leaves for the fruit.
      I used the Becky Higgins Project Life Baby Ed. for Him for the papers. I only used ONE STAMP SET- PS Cute Fruit! (gasp!) Trav really likes how I made the oranges with Imagine Crafts Tangelo and Cantaloupe inks and the little spots from the stamp set. 

      That's it for me today--but be sure to stop by the other Paper Smooches SPARKS DT members' blogs, get inspired, and leave them some love

      And don't forget to stop by the Paper Smooches SPARKS blog for more details!!!! This challenge ends November 29th. I cannot wait to see what you make!!! 

      THANKS so much for stopping by! Be blessed:}

      22 November 2014

      deep{er} #15: reflections

      Hello, friends:)

      (gasp) I heard you!!! I'm twice as shocked as you are;) I'm actually posting on a Saturday! LOL! 

      I hope you are doing well and that you've been blessed this week. God is at work, I know it! I just don't always see it in my life... but I'm trusting in His promises and continuing to step out:) 

      UPDATE: Well... last week I blamed the garage sale and our anniversary as to why I wasn't posting on time. This week more events have happened! However, with these events, I'm "couch bound" and will be finding lots of time to read, catch up, and watch TV! 
      If you follow me on Facebook you already know that I've injured my ankle while working out. I've been to the doctor and have been given 8 weeks to heal. ***I am in need of prayer- for complete healing and a quick recovery, as well as no surgery. 
      Here's a collection of photos--- first day with my crutches, me in the Studio (resting), and Olsen and I trying out my new knee scooter. 

      As for leading worship--- THANK YOU for your prayers! It was nerve-wracking leading again (we've been out for so long)... but everything went well! God covered us, helped us with the church's band, and even helped me get through Sunday's service with NO voice! One of the song lyrics from our set included the words, "He will help you sing".... HE DID! No joke! It made me smile when I sang those words on Sunday! LOL! 

      REFLECTION & CONFESSIONOk, so this week's reflection is more of a combo... reflection and confession from the heart. We are going to go real deep... deep{er} than I think I want to share, but this thought and feeling keeps coming back to me, and I need to grab ahold of it and let God work it out in my life. Only He can change me... and that's exactly what I am expecting Him to do as I bring this into the light. 

      My reflection this week is on my heart. I read a small article about "An Attitude of Gratitude" in the Joyce Meyer's Enjoying Everyday Life November magazine a couple weeks back. Honestly, I looooooooooooove to say thanks and let someone know how much I appreciate them! I know how I feel when someone says "thank you"--- I want to make sure I spread that love to others. Plus, Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE holiday because I have so much to be thankful for! I think that Thanksgiving should be celebrated monthly! LOL! I wouldn't mind a bit of turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, with green bean casserole on a monthly basis! :) 

      I read and learned in this article that this "attitude of gratitude" is more than just saying "thanks". It's looking at our hearts and why we do things for others/etc. Our words and actions should be pure, with no thought of repayment for what we do. It says in the Bible that what comes out of the mouth reveals what is in the heart (Luke 6:45, Matthew 15:18). 

      I don't know about you (although I'm almost positive we are the same)... but I want only good things to come out of my mouth/heart... I want to do what is pleasing to the Lord. 

      Now, I have to say that I think that I do most things for the Lord and with a good heart. I'm not trying to get anything out of relationships or out of my acts of service. I am a giver (that's my love language). So I think that my heart is in the right place (doing things for God, sharing His love) and that I do things for others to genuinely help them (and again, share Jesus). 

      There's only one thing that makes me think otherwise. That my heart is full of black spots due to anger and bitterness. It makes me wonder if my heart is in the wrong place.

      These feelings come from a situation with a former friend. This friend and I went through some pretty hard trials at the same time (different situations but at the same time). I was there for her like I would want someone to be there for me- 100%, day or night, night or day, listening, comforting, and praying for them. 

      I wasn't doing this so I would receive something back. I wanted to help this friend and her family in their darkest hours. I know that I want that when I'm going through hard times--- someone to hold my hand, help me, guide me, lift me up, point me back to Jesus/the hope in Him. 

      Long story short, I was there for this friend (and still am if she needs me- if she texts me, I answer, help, give advice, pray, etc), but I have not received the same friendship back during my trial... which was at the same time and continues to this day. 

      This makes me question my heart --- is it wrong for me to want someone that I consider a "best friend" to help me during my trial? Is it wrong for me to want the same treatment that I give to a friend? Why doesn't she ask how I'm doing? Why are Trav and I ignored? It makes me feel used, dumped on, and forgotten. 

      Was my heart in the right place? I thought so!?! Was I doing what I did for God? I thought so, but now that our friendship is over (I cannot continue to think she is a friend if this is the treatment that I get) it angers me that I was treated as if my situation was invisible, nonexistent. 

      I just don't get it. And the worst part is... that's how most of our former friends are. We thought we were "friends" with so many people but 99% of them have forgotten or ignored us/our situation. 

      So was/is my heart in the right place if I'm expecting friends to return a giving hand to me in my times of trouble/distress/angst? I just want a text or email or phone call... letting me know that we are loved and missed. That they haven't forgotten about us...that they wish us well or still want to stay in contact.

      I want them to affirm us as we walk through this valley and get out of this pit and trial. That's my other love language, words of affirmation. 

      But nothing. 

      And honestly, if they did it now, it wouldn't mean a thing. It makes me question who they are and why they are doing it "now". Why not do it when we were hurting the most or when this trial first started? Why ignore us for a year and then say something?  

      So my reflection and confession concludes with the following: I think that my heart is in the right place. I think that I do expect more from friends in certain situations. I believe that it's ok to want to be "thought of" and "appreciated" and even loved on. It's sad that we didn't get this... but it's not going to stop me from loving on someone else. I might not "love on" my former friends like I did... but that's because I'm guarding my heart (in those friendships). I cannot beat myself up and question my character because of someone else's actions. I know my heart. I know that I have pleased the Lord and have given of myself sacrificially for others. I will be rewarded. My harvest will come. And I know that I need to continue to love on others and serve God. 

      My goals for this week:
      1. Pray hardest even when it's hardest to pray! I need to be in constant prayer! 
      2. Travis and I made a study schedule for the Dr. David Jeremiah Agents of Apocalypse study set (CDs, books, and study guide)!!!!!! We start it this weekend!  
      3. Begin and complete 2 days worth of the TW'14 Manifesto with Courtney
      4. Continue to pray/read my devotions daily  
          I pray that God has been speaking to you--- and that you are blessed beyond what you have asked or wanted ❤️. Remember, if you need prayer, please contact me {savannahland2 at comcast dot net}. 

          THANKS so much for stopping by today! Be blessed:}

          ps... I'm going to ask for MORE prayer!!! Please pray for Trav and I as we are leading worship again next weekend at New Hope Community Church on Saturday and Sunday. Please pray for good health, that our hearts would be in the right place for worship, and that the congregation would only see Jesus! We need His covering! THANK YOU

          20 November 2014

          Virtual Smooches: PS + Project Life journaling cards

          Hello, friends:}

          Today is my day to share a video over on the  Paper Smooches video blog- Virtual Smooches

          I'm a week behind due to some health issues. SO SORRY for always being late! 

          I've created two cards for our friends and family who are celebrating anniversaries. Nothing is special about the design other than that I used Project Life journaling cards to make them! I just loooooooove using journaling cards for my designs! 

          Here's a sneak peek of my video:
          THANKS so much for stopping by--- be sure to go HERE for my video! Be blessed:}